a winter miracle

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BING! another text. "babe could you look at that for me" you raised an eyebrow to the lazy Harry sitting next to you, shaking your head you grabbed his phone and opened the text, and that moment when you did your jaw dropped. 

"how could you" you hissed

jumping up off the couch throwing his phone in his direction. He was busy non stop texting with this fan, but not just texting, sexting. She was sending his naked pictures of herself. Harry looked up from his phone.

"babe its not what you think..." he started 

"no, shut up Harry, SHUT UP FOREVER" you yelled at the top of your lungs  

"how could you do that to me?!"

his eyes filled with tears while yours were already crying


Harry plumbed down on the ground, burying his face in his hands. you ran up stairs, pushing all your stuff in one bag. Harry stood by the front door, not letting you through.

"let me....out" you hissed

the tears streaming down your face and piling on the floor. you pushed him away leaving your heart behind.


watching the beautiful snow hitting the sidewalk, you couldn't help but smile. its been about 4 weeks with out Harry now, and you couldn't get him out of youre head. the feeling of a small snowflake hitting your nose made you giggle. Your door opened, and your mom walked in she didn't even smile. she knew your heart had been broken.

"this came in the mail for you" handing you a small letter

you quickly opened it, eyes flying over every word your eyes began to fill up with tears, all the memories came rushing back and you couldn't take it the letter read

[Y/N] I'm heart broken, i cant sleep at night, i cant eat and i cant just pretend that nothing happened you are way more beautiful than any other girl who takes one step on this earth. nobody can be as perfect as you and you know that, and i love you i know we are broken up but i still love you, you still have my heart forever and always.                                                                                                                 xx- harry <3

You started crying again, hard. your mom sat next to you and comforted you when all of a sudden a dark figure walked in the room, you thought it was your dad just coming home from work but it wasn't. You saw Harry standing in the door frame. dark circles under his eyes, his hair was in almost every direction possible. you saw he was crying to. you at least looked a little bit better but still hurt. Jumping up from your mom you run into Harry's arms. both of you cried, till the last tear hit the ground. 

"you know your mine, and i cant believe..well yeah you know.. and I'm sorry" he bit his lip, still a couple of tears leaving his eyes. 

"Harry its okay now" you said, whipping some of hit tears away.  

"be mine again" he sighed deeply when he said that. you nodded small, placing your lips on his.

after the kiss you poked him on his side which made him flinch and run in your direction. down the stairs you quickly go grabbing your coat and out the door into a winter wonderland.

your threw a snowball at harry making his shake his hair and run after you again. he tackled you down to the ground making you both laugh like you never had before. Lying on the soft snow , Harry above you, everything felt perfect again. you could finally be happy, again after 4 painful weeks. 

Your heart was busy with healing, and letting Harry in again, well he never did leave he will always be there. 

"i love you Harry" you whispered

"i love you too [Y/N] he said kiss you softly

The snow flakes fell down upon you both as you kissed. with everything back in place your life was complete again.

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