Toys R Us

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"Harry please focus," you said sternly as if you were talking to a child. Harry was practically running down the aisles playing around with some of the toys on display.

You had dragged Harry along to Toys R Us so he could help you pick out a toy for your niece’s birthday party. Unfortunately he was clearly no help. He would press nearly every single ‘try me’ button on virtually every toy in his eyesight and laugh like a madman when they would all say the same line at different times.

You rolled your eyes and tried not to laugh at his amusement but failed miserably. His eyes immediately came across the same creepy doll you were staring at and he grabbed it off the shelf.

"Dear god," he said as he squeezed the creepy looking doll’s stomach causing it to make a low singing note. You cupped your hand over your mouth in hopes to muffle your ever growing laughter. Harry on the other hand laughed extremely loud and continued to squeeze the stomach of the creepy doll.

"Please don’t tell me children actually play with these," you said as you grabbed another one off the shelf and did the same thing Harry was doing.

He laughed and then said, “They look like sex toys.” You nearly choked on your own spit and nodded in agreement. It was a sick thought to think but you agreed with him. He continued to laugh at his own comment and you tried your best to stop pressing the doll’s stomach but it was no use. It was too entertaining and you both were having so much fun.

A worker walked up to the two of you and said calmly, “I hate to bother you two but could you please stop. You’re disturbing the other customers.” You nodded your head in embarrassment and placed the doll back on the shelf. Harry bit down on his lower lip and tried not to laugh.

The worker walked away and Harry bursted out laughing for perhaps the millionth time in the span of a few minutes. 

"We are the most immature adults in the world," he teased and you nodded. "And that’s why we’re going to buy two of these things so we can squeeze their stomachs and laugh like fools." He placed two of the things in your shopping cart and you then tried to gain his attention long enough to help you pick out a present for your niece.

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