carrot woman!

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december 24th, it was louis birthday and as a surprise you wanted to go to his party in a carrot suit with a green hat to top it all off.

everyone was getting ready to hide when there was a jolt on the lock by the front door, it was louis

"everybody hide!" harry yelled

running into a dark corner with harry a light pears from the outside and in.


everyone jumps out from their spots and over to louis, liam niall and zayn pile on top of him yelling and laughing with one another.

while they all get off of louis, he spots you standing there in the carrot suit 

"[Y/N] marry me now! i love your costume!" he yells running to give you a hug

"happy birthday lou" you say while he squeezes you till you cant breathe

"but holy carrots marry me" he says again

"SHES ALREADY MARRYING ME" harry saying while standing in the doorway looking cute as always.

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