Chapter 50!

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I sat at my desk a pen clenched between thumb, forefinger and index staring down the blank piece of paper which was to become a detailed account of all that had happened in the 10 literate pages of the Shakespeare book for English. My mind was like a swirling vortex of spaghetti strung words which were of no help what so ever. I breathed slowly in and out glaring at the blank page in front of me begging for something intelligent to appear on the page. In the background I could hear the laughter of the boys and the sound of the TV. Every so often someone would walk down the hall, and I would look hopefully towards the door begging for them to come in and distract me away from my English homework. “Tick.Tock.Tick.Tock”. The clock ticked on and on, and the light in my room began to fade. Come on! Just one little word. My brain swelled and my breathing increased. “FUCK IT!!!” I yelled the plastic pen snapping in my hand. I threw it across the room and scrunched up the piece of paper. Angrily I stood from my desk toppling my chair over, then I strode out of my room and down the hall.  The loud cheerful voices down the hall grew louder which each stride and I already felt my mood increasing. Each step I took was another step away from homework. In the living room boys were laid back on the couch watching bits of the Simpsons in between cracking jokes, Harry was in an arm chair reading, and others were sat round the dinner table playing a game of cards. Kale was laid in his chair eyes closed, and his legs over the arm.  “Hey Kaela.” Said Dan with a smile.


Kale half opened one eye and the corner of his lips quirked upwards before he closed his eye again. Looking briefly around the room I spotted Ryan, he was at the table in the middle of playing a game of cards with Jace, Brody and Caleb. Haley and Timothy looked to be having a heart to heart lovey dovey moment, which gave me a strange feeling deep in my chest. It was something that I was not very accustomed to. I frowned, confused and then pushed it away, it was pointless wondering about it. I scooted past the television approached Kale. He was still laid there seeming quite happy with himself, a smile on his face. I watched his face carefully came close to rolling my eyes when his nostrils flicked as he drew in a deep breath. “Mmmm...” he mumbled. One eye flashed open their turquoise blue, green depths which looked into mine. “I’m going for a run...”

Kale’s other eye flashed open. “... Do you want to come?” I asked.

He smiled. “Yeeeaahh... alright.”

His legs swung down from the arm of the chair and he stood up giving a stretch his arms over his head as he gave a yawn. “Alright then, let’s go.” He said ushering me towards the door his hand hovering above the small of my back. I smirked as I slid open the sliding door and stepped out into the night goose bumps already flitting across my skin.  The grass was cool beneath my feet as I stepped forward into the dark towards the edge of the forest. My eyes began adjusting to the dark and the blur of inky blackness of the night  became clear outlines of the tops of trees, their branches and their trunks.  Behind me the sliding door was closed and Kale appeared beside me a tall dark muscular shadow which stood strong at my side. “So. Are we gonna run or what?”

I looked up at him , and grinned at the glint in his eyes.

“On second thoughts...” He began stopping in his track. “... are YOU gonna run..?” Kales voice was deep, ritch, and put together with the glint in his eyes had promises of full other intentions.

 My eyes lit up and my heart began to pound at an increasing rate. I felt the adrenaline pulse through me as a wicked smile grew on my face. The chase oh the glorious thrill of the chase.

Kale’s demeanour grew and his eyes began to give off a growing glow. It was the slight tilt of his head and I knew it was on. I took a deep breath air filling my lungs and then I took off at a sprint blood pumping through my veins. Kale gave a booming laugh from behind me as he took off after me. My heart leapt with excitement as he took chase. I lived and breathed the chase, it was a rush of adrenaline and power. I could hear his long powerful strides behind me and I could feel the eurge to look over my shoulder, and the urge to scream, but I knew that would end it all too soon.  We sped down hill towards the tree line our speed increasing with the down slope. As we got closer I began to feel the itch and the need to shift.  Behind me Kale must have sensed my urge to shift and the sounds of bones breaking and popping sounded loudly behind me. I leapt into the air willing on my shift, which happened in seconds. My whole body was morphed and changed, each bone breaking and re-sizing and re-adjusting to fit it’s new body in one searing,blinding explosion of pain. With an eerily silent grace my paws landed on the soft grass. Kale gave a growl from behind me which made me take a bounding leap forward increasing speed as I broke through the tree line entering the forest. My limbs pumped hard and fast as my body coiled up tight and sprung forward covering ground in seconds. Cheetahs are said to be the fastest land mammal, we could run circles round a cheetah.

Shadowedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें