Chapter 20

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 It wasn’t long before we were all piled into cars and on the road heading out to the city. Yeah the city. It’s hard to believe that when you’re on a ranch in the middle of nowhere that there’s actually a CITY only an hour away. Well it’s probably more than an hour away, but at the speed we were driving it more likely going to be in the hour.

I was squished up in the back of a bright red beetle being driven by non other then Haley. Yes. Haley , sweet Haley who didn’t look like she’d hurt a fly was speeding down a dusty road in her bright red beetle Tim sitting next to her and me squished imbetween Dan and Ryan. As soon as the rest of the guys had heard we were going shopping everyone else decided to come too. Harry was with Brody, Calub, Ben and Mitch in his truck, Jace, Tina and James were in another car, and Kale was in another.

“Why is Kale in a car by himself, surely there would have been room for him in one of the other cars?” I questioned.

“Dear were going shopping! How do you ever expect us to only take three cars? There wouldn’t be enough room!” Laughed Haley cheerfully from the front. Ryan groaned.

“Oh you love it really!” Said Haley smiling.

Ryan looked at me. “Ohh yes. I think today’s shopping’s going to be most lovely, can’t wait for the clothes!” He said in a fake girl voice . “Ouhh Corner!” He cried suddenly squashing me up against Dan. “Ouhh CORNER!”. Dan then pushed us back the other way.

Ryan’s face was smushed up against the window .  “Ehh, I think that’s enough corners…” He said before linking his arms around me and holding me where I was; squashed up against him . “Hey!” I cried grinning and letting my hand slide slowly down his leg. “Hey no fair.” Groaned Dan leaning back against his seat with his arms crossed against his chest , a child’s pout on his lips as he stared at me sulkily.  I was about to swop sides but was suddenly distracted by a loud revving car engine, as a black car with pounding music sped by. Ryan let out a low growl as he glared after the car that had just left us in dust. That just about seist all conversation from the dusty road till the city. It only took one guess to know who was in the black car. And I’m sure I don’t have to tell you.

 I had only ever been in a shopping mall once, and when the doors opened the smell, noise, and sight sparked old memories dragging them to the surface of my mind. When I was young, I never really left the house, sometimes Mum would take me up to the dairy and we’d buy milk, eggs and flour so we could do some baking. But it was always Dad surprisingly, that brought home clothes and shoes for me. I got new clothes every second summer, and would wait excitedly on the stair for Dad to come home from work, carrying the cardboard box that would hold my new clothes. Sometimes they’d smell a bit funny and not always fit right on my slender body. The sleeves would drape down over my small hands, hoodies that would drown me and come down to my knees and jeans never seemed to stay on my hips so I’d tighten them with one of dad’s belts brown leather belts. This was before I was 13 so I hadn’t a womanly figure; I was just skin and bones. It’s not that Mum didn’t feed me enough; I was just quite small until I hit my teen years.

“So, what would you like to buy first!” Cried Haley clapping her hands enthusiastically. “We need to get stuff for your room being paint and furniture etc, and there’s objects and items. We can get you some CD’s, a lap top, books and cushions, then there’s clothes and SO much more! It’s going to be so much fun!”

James yawned loudly. “Well… I’m going to go and have some fun of my own see back at the cars when ever just text me. See ya.” James waved over his shoulder and headed off into the nearest shop.

“Well, what’s everyone going to do then?” Asked Ryan.

“Me, Dan, and Ben are gonna head over to Dickies we’ll catch up with you in maybe an hour.” Said Mitchel.

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