Chapter 35

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I slowly stepped around Kale and Ryan and made my way into the kitchen chuckling. They’re so cute!

It just goes to show they even though they mainly act like they hate each other, and they never get along, they still have their moments. 

Gazing round at the kitchen and it’s many cupboards I wandered which one had the glasses in. Eeeni meani miny mo… I stood on my tiptoes and opened one of the wooden cupboards. Nope. That cupboard contained different flours, baking powder, corn starch, and baking soda.  The next cupboard had pasta and rice in it, and the one after that plates. Cupboard after cupboard later I sighed angrily. “Seriously where are the fricken glasses!!!”

I angrily swung open a cupboard near the fridge and groaned out loud as I took out a glass and made for the sink. It’s always the last cupboard isn’t it?!? 

I ran the water under the tap will it went cold and then plunged the glass underneath it before guzzling the water down. Man that’s good… When I’d finished I had another glass which disappeared as quickly as the first only not in the way which I’d hoped.

“Woaahh! Sorry Kaela…” Cried Mitch.

I stood there my chest rising up and down and my eyes wide with shock. Water dripped off my top and down onto my toes and the floor. I was soaked.

Closing my eyes I turned round slowly to face Mitch who was standing behind me his eyes slightly widened. “ Now now…Kaela…Kaela… I didn’t meaa….” I poured the remaining water in my glass over the top of his head watching it trickle down his face with satisfaction.

“There. Now were even.” I said with a smile as I tapped his cheek lightly.

“Hmmm….” Mumbled Mitch flushing and running a hand through his wet hair making it stick up.   

I put the glass down by the sink and then walked out the kitchen and back to my bedroom which was nearly finished.

When I stepped into my room I couldn’t help but give a soft gasp. I was …perfect. I loved it to bits. There was still a couple of things to put away but, already you could just see what it was going to be like when it was totally complete.

My walls were white apart from the theme wall which was the one my bed was coming off which was a deep rich purple. Above my bed were small twinkling fairy lights and next to my bed on my small walnut bedside tables where two vanilla scented candles along with my reading book, lamp, and an empty photo frame. My bed was sat on a white fluffy rug which I would be able to sink my toes into every morning when I got out of bed.

Across the room from my wonderful bed with its new zebra striped duvet with dark purple silk underneath, was my half full walk in wardrobe. In the middle of the wardrobe was a small circular crimson red pouf to sit on when putting on shoes and when you walked directly into my wardrobe there was the large floor length mirror. Haley had organized my clothes into different sections; tops, jumpers, shoes, shorts, jeans all of them separated into the colours of the rainbow, leaving the accessories in the draws and on display on a metal jewelry tree stand on top of the draws.

Next to the wardrobe was my bookshelf, complete with books, and near my door was my desk with my new silver laptop and funky pen pot holding a fuzzy orange pen. There was also my modern techno coloured CD stand next to my black stereo which Caleb had set speakers for up in each corner of my room and one in my wardrobe. There were a few other nick nacks such as my corkboard and wind chimes by my window but I’ll tell you about those later.

The best thing about my room was one of the one things we hadn’t bought while shopping. It was the sky window above my bed that would show me the night sky every night without fail, where the it be cloudy or clear.

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