Chapter Fourteen

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Great, just fricken great a whole two hours with Kale

I could feel his lingering gaze burning into the side of my face as I sat on the grass in a humph pretending to be incredibly interested in a blade of grass which I’d plucked. I sat there pondering on what I was going to do for the next two hours. It then struck me that If this WAS my last visit, it would determine where the I get to stay in the ranch, or be put down. It was a scary thought. On a few occasions I knew I’d been bad, but I hadn’t really thought about it that much, but now that it was truly coming into realization that I could die I felt reasonably frightened.  I looked down at the grass around me the realization sinking in while a horrible tightening knot of worry grew in my stomach. This could be my last day to live.

A dark shadow was suddenly cast around me, and I looked up. Kale was looming over me with a bored expression that changed to as smirk as his eyes settled upon a spot of interest. Growling angrily I clenched my fist tightly willing myself not to punch him and looked back to the grass. Heaving a hefty sigh Kale sat his large body down on the grass beside me. My body began twitch at his nearness and my mouth felt dry. While my body and my human instincts told me to stay, my shifter instincts told me to move. Gritting my teeth I sprang to my feet and began to walk away.

“Hey!” Growled Kale grabbing hold of my wrist and pulling me back to the grass.

I fell backwards two meters falling on top of him, Kale then seized the chance to wrap an arm round me. “Let go of me!” I snapped angrily, hitting his  heavily muscled arm. Kale said nothing and simply held onto me. I tried to ram my elbow into his chest to make him let me go but I only succeeded in getting a bruise, I tried kicking him, scratching him, screaming as loud and as high pitched as I could, but nothing would let him to release me.

“Fine, just fucking FINE!” I yelled sitting stiffly in his lap leaning against his chest.

Fucking dick, oouuhh when he lets me go I’m gunna just..just..GRRR!!!! FUCK FUCK SHIT FUCK!!!!!

I sat there fuming for a good 10 minutes and my body began to loosen and I could feel myself beginning to relax into his body. Kales chest was hard and muscled and to be honest just a wee bit uncomfortable to be leaning against. Beneath me I felt Kales body shift slightly as he too began to relax.

My eye lids began to grow heavy as my exhaustion grew, I’d had a pretty busy day and playing in the pond with Mitch had taken a lot of energy. Desperate to stay awake while sitting on Kale I fidgeted around every so often and pinched my fingers every time I felt myself drifting off. While gazing at the ranch over the fence I felt my hair being tweaked as Kale fingered it and played with a few strands, his fingers running over them.

“Ow! Don’t pull so hard.”  I moaned sleepily.


I laughed. “Hah! Was that you actually apologizing, man I must be really really tired!”

I felt the low rumbles of annoyance from deep within Kale’s chest and I shifted around a little in his lap uneasily, but he carried on playing with my hair.

“Do you plan on cutting your hair?” He asked curiously.

“Believe me if I could I would. But if you haven’t noticed there ain’t no scissors in this prison!?!”

“Hmmm.” He said not really paying attention. “Don’t cut it short.”

His opinion surprised me. Why would he care how short I cut my hair? Sure I hadn’t been planning on cutting it short, just cutting off the split ends so it was back at a more respectable length then nearly reaching my ass.

A silence creeped into the conversation as I pondered on how to continue it without seeming  too comfortable or too forthright.

“I .. I wasn’t planning to. Just till it reaches half way down my back.” I said softly.

Kale gave a small grunt of approval as he continued fingering and play with my hair. His fingers gently grazed my back causing me to give an abrupt shiver. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment at my reaction. Kale had paused for a second after my shiver then had continued playing with my hair, before he  ran his finger across my back again but this time purposefully. I managed to hold back my shiver but goose bumps had crawled up my arms. Kale chuckled and then began trailing his fingers slowly up my back and then back down again.

“Kale…stop!” I said giving another shiver.

“Hmmm why?” He asked chuckling.

“Because I…”

With an arm still round my waist Kale scooped his other arm under my legs then he lifted me up and turned me round so that I was facing him. My lips parted from being stopped mid sentence I look at kale who was looking down at me with a smirk and his head slightly cocked to the side as he tried to read my expression.

“Because…?” Encouraged Kale.

“Because I…I..”

Kale put a finger under my chin and brought my mouth towards his. Upon instinct I lifted my hands up to fend him off placing my hands on his chest trying to push away, but as his mouth worked against mine I simply melted surrendering to his lips. Kales free hand that wasn’t round my waist got lost in my mane of hair as he pulled me closer to him. I bit softly on his bottom lip causing him to moan in satisfaction and kiss me deeper and harder. His tongue boldly entered my mouth and my hands found their way up his singlet and across his tight cored abs. I could feel the light scar marks that lined his chest, god he really is a toughie. His Kisses were amazing, I felt completely liquefied. Kale moved his hand from my tangle of hair and sneaked it under the back of my top, my heart began to pound . Move your hand to the front…not the back. Please… Kale’s hand crept further up my back. No! I stopped sharply and latched on to his arm stopping his hand from creeping up any further. Kale first looked confused but then he looked pissed. We both sat there frozen and silent. I’m not doing this. I pried his loose arm off my waist, stood up and walked away heading for my room. Kale cursed before I could hear him stomping after me. He grabbed my arm stopping me from going any further, I turned and glared at him. “Let. Go.”  I commanded trying to shake my arm from his iron grip. “Kale let me go!!” I yelled angrily pulling away from him and stomping away. I heard his footsteps following me again. Don’t you dare..! I felt him reach for me again. Stuff it! I spun round fist clenched and  punched him across the face as hard as I could. Kale gave a look of bewilderment and confusion as he processed what I’d just done. But then it registered on his face and he looked furious. Kale growled showing his already glistening teeth, his eyes darkening. Gritting my teeth I took the opportunity to shift. At the same instant kale shifted also and we both stood facing each other hissing and roaring with anger. Kale was monstrous. He was the living nightmare of hell himself, standing tall and powerful his turquoise coloured eyes burning brightly in the afternoon light. His fur was sleek and midnight black covering over thick muscles and his body ready to pounce. I’d thought  Jace, Ryan and the other boys had been big, but kale was twice the size of them and at least three times the size of me. I’d made a terrible mistake. 

ShadowedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora