Chapter 60

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I took a breath and then the words just flowed out.

I told them of my life before. How I lived with my parents on the outskirts of Lewiston bordering Washington DC.  My father always worked in the city, and came back late, while I spent all of sixteen years at home. I think I left maybe three or four times ever. No friends, no school, no boyfriend that’s for sure.

Then I told them what happened on October the 17th 2010. How I came home after a run, to find my Mother and Father being tortured and held up by strangers. Murderous strangers who were looking for me.

 “I came home late afternoon. As soon as I jumped over the last fence I knew something was wrong. I could hear them. Loud voices, yelling, and occasionally my Mother screaming…”

My mouth was dry with apprehension.

“I…I..I went to the back door. Thank god I went to the back door.” I whispered. My Mother’s screams were echoing round my head at the telling of this dark memory.  Kale squeezed my hand gently.

“ Listening against the door I heard him. He was in there. Threatening my Father, and his men torturing my Mother. He wanted to know where I was. I don’t know why he was looking for me, and I still don’t. Screaming at my Father he threatened to Kill Mum.”

“Who did?” Asked Caleb. “Trent?”

“No. Not Trent, his father. Derick Denton.”

  “Daddy kept telling him that he didn’t know where I was.  I got scared when Mum screamed again, it made me jump and my head jumped against the door making the stupidest, smallest noise.

            “ And that was it. In that second they knew I was there. Daddy screamed at me to run.” I swallowed a tear rolling down my cheek. “ And I did. I ran. I ran while the strange wild animal noises drowned over my mother’s screams. They chased me out into the bush, I outran them. Then the strangest  thing happened. My body was ripped apart, all my bones cracking, muscles spasming and my skull just exploding in pain.” I grimaced.

“ Yeah, no one told me that the first shift was the hardest. Hell, no one even explained any of it to me. One minute I’m a girl with a family, I’m happy I had no boy friend, no first kisses, girly nights out in the city, clubbing, or going to the movies. I didn’t have any of that, and yet I was so blissfully naively happy .” I snarled bitterly.  “I didn’t know shit.”

My parents had been murdered. The next night I returned to the house to find them torn up in a red room of blood. I’d returned with all the rage which burnt through my body.

“I went back. And I killed, every….single….fucking one of them.”

I killed every one the men who lingered in that house. Every one of them who had taken part in my parents murder. Even Derick Denton himself.

My body trembled emotion building up inside me, hot tears of anger burning my eyes. You’re a sinner. Hell. Your just like them. MURDERER!

A stone silence weighed down heavily in the room, crushing my lungs and making my heart freeze. No one said anything. Everyone’s eyes locked onto mine as a crashing wave of guilt and horror pinned down on my soul. Ryan’s eyes , Jace’s eyes, Haley, Tina, Brody, all of them. But Kale. I couldn’t see his face.  I didn’t want to see his face.

“…they slaughtered my parents…the blood…I’m a murder….I killed them…..I killed them….”

I was blinded. I couldn’t see, tears blinded my vision grief and guilt crushing me.

Caleb was the one who asked the question. He broke the silence and asked what everyone in the room was wondering . “What about Trent?”

A sick grimace of anger hit my face.

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