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Edited: 5/09/2017

When I awoke my head felt unbelievably fuzzy, and I felt sore and bruised. As I opened my eyes I remembered the now living nightmare my life had become. Then I remembered beating the crap out of Ryan and I couldn't help but smile, and then the smile became a laugh, and soon enough I was in hysterics. Once I'd calmed down I realized how hungry I was, in fact not 'hungry' but 'starving'. I sat up in bed and had a quick glance around the room, as soon as my eyes land on the tray of food waiting for the door I pounce on it. I'm already bringing the bread roll to my mouth and it freezes at my lips as a horrible thought suddenly comes to me, what if they've poisoned the food...?

Then I noticed the scrappy bit of paper tucked underneath a glass of water. ' Don't worry, we didn't tamper with the food. No drugs, no nothing. It's just food.'

Seconds later I'm stuffing my mouth with sweet bread rolls and shovelling chilli mince onto the spoon. A moan grows in my mouth, the food is so good. I can't get enough of it, a home cooked meal! I scrape up as much as I can of the remains left in the dish and then skull down the last of the water. A sigh escaped my lips and for a moment I sit there with my eyes closed and a smile on my face. It is only then that I feel the cool breeze drifting through the door to outside and the goosebumps which are now crawling up my naked flesh. My eyes snap open and I scream.

I am completely naked.


I ran into the bathroom in search of my clothes, and swore again, they were nowhere to be seen, and the towel was also gone. I race towards the bed and pull at the covers stripping the sheets and wrapping one around my body as fast as I could.

Now wrapped in the white bed sheet my heart pounding in my chest I begin to panic. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY CLOTHES!!!!!!" I screeched.

Then there was a loud ruckus of laughter from outside. They didn't....

I grit my teeth and hoiking the bed sheets around me I march outside. As soon as I placed my foot onto the grass I was welcomed with wolf whistles and cat calls from the awaiting audience outside the fence. The boys were sitting on deck chairs, with crisps, popcorn, and cola waiting for me. I was fuming.

"Where. Are. My. Clothes?" I said slowly trying to stay calm.

The boys snickered and then they all looked up behind me. I followed their gaze.

Up the tallest tree, on the highest branch were my clothes. They were all hanging separately, shorts, T-shirt, lacy bra, and panties. At the sight of my underwear, my cheeks flushed. How the hell am I suppose to get my clothes down from there without 'revealing' anything...?

"Go on, climb up!" Called one of the boys.

"You know you want to!!"

"Give us a show Kaela!" Came a familiar voice.

I turned and fix Ryan with a glare. I'm gonna kill him.

"Who's idea was this?!" I snarled glaring at them all. My eyes hover on Ryan's face waiting for him to admit that it was him.


My heart beat skips in my chest at the deep resonance of the voice, and I turn towards the opposite side of the fence. The boys all went quiet and my breath freezes in a lump in my throat as I face the stranger. He stood tall and broad in loose cotton trousers and a white singlet which looked ready to rip at the seams as it clung to the tight muscles of his chest.

He was extremely attractive, and it only made me hate him more. I glared hot daggers at him and his strange turquoise eyes narrowed as a smirk slid onto his lips. As I stared at him I begin to frown, he looked familiar in some way. Wait...I turned to look back at Ryan, and then back at the stranger. They both had black hair, tan skin, broad shoulders, straight nose and chiselled jaws. Were they...?

"Yes, I see you've met my brother Ryan. Gave him quite a shock I'm sure... no doubt he deserved it." The stranger sneered across at Ryan.

"If I ever, I mean EVER get the chance to make you pay for this, believe me, I will!" I growled at the stranger.

"Ouh, that'll be nice, you'll be sure to place it in my bill won't you?"

The boys laughed at that, but I, on the other hand, wasn't impressed with my joke getting thrown back at me. A hiss escaped my lips and my fingers were already twitching into curled fists. I paced angrily up and down fuming as I tried to figure out how I was going to get my clothes without revealing unwanted skin.

I can't shift and get them, I'll bloody rip them!

I could wait till night... but I don't think I could wait that long besides these guys could easily come in here and take the sheets off me. The sheets are nearly see through as it is!

While looking at the sheets feeling strangely 'uncomfortable' and idea slowly formed in my head and I smiled.

Well, I don't feel like flashing... I began to walk back to my room, and the guys let out howling boos and groans of disappointment.

"You better come back soon missy, or we'll come and take those sheets off you!" Called one of the boys.

"Hahah, leave her alone Brody."

"We'll give her five minutes." Said Stranger.

Once inside I dashed to the bathroom and unwrapped the sheet to refold it and begin wrapping and tying the sheets round me in a new and fashionable way. When I'd finished I grinned and boldly walked out of the bathroom, out of my room, and outside. As I came out the boys first cheered, but then stopped as they realized what I'd done.

"Cheat!" Yelled Ben throwing popcorn in frustration.

"No fair."

"Oh for fucks sake!"

Ryan growled and kicked a stone by his foot angrily but Stranger just smirked. I'd wrapped and knotted the sheets into a romper, the top like a boob tube, and the bottom like a pair of baggy shorts. Sure I was still revealing a hell of a lot of leg, but they couldn't see anything too important now could they?

Smirking I walked casually towards the tree and begun to climb. It was fairly easy to climb it as there were lots of thick branches that weren't too far apart from one another. I decided to collect my shorts and T-shirt first, and reached up to branch which they were hanging on and pried them off before chucking them down onto the ground. My bra was another easy item to collect, and I threw that down without a problem, but my panties were a whole new problem. The branch which they were on went far out into open air with no other branches to hold onto. I could walk it, or I could put on a little show, and have some fun retrieving them.

I smiled to myself and stepped onto the branch taking one step. The smiles on the boy's faces dropped as they saw I was going to just waltz up and grab them. I smiled with their reactions and then paused taking in a deep breath. Raising my hands above my head I then rock my body throw my body into a cartwheel. My hands land squarely on the smooth bark and my body swiftly moves till my feet are back on the branch. Then I delicately crouch and pry my panties from the end of the branch. I smirk triumphantly and twirl the silken fabric around my fingers. The faces of the guys are a mixture of awe and serious annoyance. I smile and then jump gracefully from one branch to the other in a matter of seconds my feet landing back on the soft grass. Picking up the rest of my clothing I then faced the boys and smiled.

"And that my friends is the end of the show, please exit the theater from your right, left and rear. Good afternoon."

And with that I turned on my heel and walked back to my room.

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