Chapter 57

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Kales POV
I yawned and stood up from the bench seat stretching my arms over my head and loosening my muscles my shoulders cracking. Students filed out of the lecture room carrying their note folders and laptops. I picked up my manila file and began to climb the steps to the exit doors.  A mix of scents were in the air, belonging to different students in the room, the smell of paper, cleaning products, and the slight musty scent from not having the windows open.
I could smell the sickly sweet bubble gum spray belonging to the blonde that was exiting out of the room 10 meters ahead of me, smell the moist sweat from the short chubby dude who made an effort to climb the stairs with a speed never usually possessed.
Flipping out my phone I checked for any messages. Something I'd gotten into the habit of doing every fifteen minutes when I'm out. Sad isn't it?
There was only one text.
It wasn't from Kaela.

CALEB: text me when ur out. I'll meet you at tree line for perimeter run. I quickly typed a reply as I pushed open the door and entered the university halls. Students mingled about like high school kids. Still huddling in groups, only in their normal clothes.
A small group of girls looked in my direction their conversation ending in a hush, as their eyes gave me a lustrous look over. Jesus, they're not subtle are they?  
 I gave them the cold shoulder and strolled past without a second thought. Only one girl could stop me in my tracks. One girl could consummate my thoughts, and take over nearly every fibre of my being. Kaela.
I still felt the cold stab of the fight we'd had two days ago. It still frustrated me.  But try as I might, that one day where neither of us spoke, I learnt that I couldn't hold it against her. I needed her. It killed me to keep my distance; to not look at her, speak to her, be next to her.
Being angry with her was hard. It was overwhelming yet, so torturous it pained me to hold it.
While my moral self had told me it was her who started the fight, I couldn't help but feel guilty. She was right about me taking things to far, ... I guess.
Well from her point of view yes, but at the same time...
The feelings I have for her are strong. Like nothing I could ever have imagined. Right from the start when I'd first seen her it had just hit me like a drug overdose. Every instinct, thought, feeling...everything that wasn't relative to her was just completely dulled. I felt high. High on the realisation that she was here, that she with her pert little ass, legs, and pouting lips, her scent, her smile, everything, she was here and was making my life whole.
She was my Achilles heel – so to speak. My only weakness.
 It was also like being possessed. I found that with every coming day, I seem to be thinking about her more and more.

My phone vibrated in my pocket.
Ryan:  Kaela's in the principal's office. Harry's on way down, will call u later and give u a run down.

Shit.  Kaela. Also the one of the most reckless, annoying, fiery, unpredictable, troublesome girl I have ever met. 
If I ever meet the guy, he's in for it. This is the same dude who took Kaela's cell phone in her tutor class. He's just asking for trouble.

I walked down the concrete path to the university car park . "Hey, so Kale I was wondering, if you know, you and me could get together and go over our notes sometime. Like, over a coffee or something. Hahah! Like a coffee date, sorta?!"
The voice startled me as Stacey Haronavitz appeared next to me with her purple binder clutched to her chest.
A smirk slid onto my face. "No." I said not even looking at her.
Her steps faltered for a second as I approached my car.
"We can set it for another time... whatever fits your schedule, you know...I'm flexible!"
I unlocked my car and opened the door.
"Sure."  I muttered shutting to door on her.
A bright smile lit up her face as I started the car up, the engine rippling to life with a snarl.
With an arm behind the passenger seat I glanced out the back window as I skidded into a quick reverse.
Stacey was still stood where my car had been parked and was staring at me with dreamy eyes.
I wound down the window.
"So....when ?!" She called giving a small jump of excitement, her skirt flouncing up and only just short of revealing her knickers. Stacey pretended not to notice.
"How about 50 years from now." I called back, kicking the engine into drive and speeding out the car park.

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