Chapter Nine

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Once Haley had left I didn’t know what to do with myself. It was boring being in this prison and I wanted to get out. Wonder if there are any guards outside….?

As I stood I winced as the cuts on my legs stretched but I managed to limp outside. Unfortunately  the boy who I recognized as Dan, was sitting in the plastic chair watching me. Damn. Oh well… I went and sat down under one of the small trees since it was one of the only ones that actually had leaves and created shade. The big tree was nothing more than a skeleton with just large bare branches. I leant back against the trees small trunk and sighed closing my eyes.

“Are you ok in there?” Called Dan.

“ What do you think!?!” I called back grinning then closing my eyes again.

“Never mind…umm I know you won’t like it but I have to come in.”

My head snapped up, my eyes flying open and a hiss escaped my lips. “Why!”

“It’s part of the visits! I won’t do anything I’m not that stupid, all I have to do is just come in and be near you.”

“Like  hell!” I growled attempting to stand but failing miserably as my muscles were tired and refused to work.

Dan was already unlocking the gate and stepping in. I winced in pain as I tried to stand again. “Just stay there! I’m not going to do anything, you need to rest..”

“I’m not sleeping when I’ve got a male shifter in here with me!” I snapped.

“Do you honestly think anybody’s going to do anything to you after what’s just happened? We don’t want to get beaten up!”

I guess he was right but I still didn’t trust him and he knew it. Dan shut the gate and began to walk over to where I was sitting watching me carefully my reactions.  The gap between us was slowly closing up. 10 meters…..8 meters…….7 meters…… I let out a growl and bared my teeth preventing him from coming any closer.

“Ok that’s not too bad for you.” He said genuinely.

“What do you mean?” I snapped.

“Well, for example Tina didn’t mind how close we got to her, Haley on the first couple of times we came in didn’t let us come any closer than 4 meters. I think you’re doing pretty well.”

“Well I don’t think I’m doing very well at all, I’d be doing much better if I wasn’t so beaten up.” I said grinning wickedly.

“Yes, I bet you would.” He said sitting down. “So, what’s your favorite colour?”

“Why do you need to know!?!”

“Just curious and making a general conversation mines green by the way.”

“I didn’t ask for you favorite colour.”

He looked at me raising his eye brows his face saying ‘Go on, what’s your favorite colour?’

“…Red ok it’s red!” I snapped crossing my arms in a sulk.

“Great now we’re making progress. Hmm ok next question…. Ouuhhh I got one how, old, are you?” he asked grinning.

I scowled. “I’ll only tell you if you answer one of my questions too.”

“Very well. What?”

It had seemed the right thing to do at first but I really didn’t know what to ask.

“Um….how old are you?” I asked lamely.

“ Eighteen and you?”

“ Seventeen…”

“Really? You look older.”

“So do you.” I shot back.

“Ouch.” He said pretending to look hurt. “Ok next is that your real hair colour?”


“Any questions? “

“ Yeah, how old is everyone else at the ranch?”

“ Most of the guys are nineteen, Mitchel is eighteen though, Tina is eighteen, Jace, Kale, and James are nearly twenty, Haley is…nineteen and yeah.”

“Gee.” I moaned.

“Yep, you’re the youngster!” he grinned evilly when he saw my reaction which was a snarl and a sulk.

“Just you wait till I’m healed!”

“Speaking of that matter did you know that shifting can increase the healing strength? You heal faster.”

I hadn’t known that but I wasn’t going to appear stupid as well as young. “Yes!”

“Riight. OK next, what’s your middle name?”

“I’m not telling you that!”

“I’ll tell you mine….”

“ Stephanie. “

“ Jordan. Ok , why are you so… lethal…???”

“ Guess it’s just my nature.”

“Guess it’s just all of our natures.  Where’s your family?”

I froze, anger and sorrow building up inside of me. I would not be answering that question.

“Hello? Kaela, where’s you family?” He asked clearly not realizing my anger.

“SHUT UP!” I yelled getting to my feet despite the pain.

“Woah..ok….” He said standing up and backing away from me.

“GET OUT!” I screamed. “GET OUT!!!!” I screeched trembling with anger tears welling up in my eyes.

“OK ok, I’m leaving.” Said Dan walking away backwards his eyes still on me wearily.

But for me he wasn’t leaving fast enough. I bent down and picked up a rock chucking it at him while screaming at him to leave. I picked up more and more rocks until Dan turned and dashed out.  I hated to be seen weak, so I stomped into my room tears now nearly over flowing from my eyes. As soon as I got to my room I threw myself on my bed and cried and cried, until I eventually fell asleep.

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