Chapter 74

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I stood leant against one of the large pine trees and smiled politely at the perky brunette who was trying her best to keep conversation light and cheerful. Distrusting eyes flickered in my direction as I fell under the scrutiny of the group of female wolves I'd been left with. As a showing of trust and respect Kale had been forced to follow Lucas' wishes that I get to know his wife's most trust friends. Leah stood next to me as stiff as a board and keeping as much distance between us as possible without seeming rude. It wasn't working. I could feel her distain clouding off her body like bad perfume. "...So I was suddenly cooking for not only Leo but also Harry, Jeremy and Simon!" Laughed the brunette in her high girly voice. I allowed my smile to grow ever so slightly upon my face as if perhaps I was enjoying her topic of conversation while inside I was crying. Looking past her shoulder I watched Ryan and James jumping into a game of touch rugby. Fierce looks of determination glinted in their eyes as they fought to hold back natural aggression towards the wolves. "Kaela..."

The sound of my name sought me back to the circle of females and I stared wide eyed at he blonde who'd addressed me. Shit had she asked me something?
 "Uhhh..." I muttered. 
The blondes smile sweetened while her eyes framed 'God why do I bother talking to this freak'.

"Do you cook?" She asked, not that she cared. 
I snorted and all hope of the conversation improving dissolved. "... no. I don't cook." 
There was a pause of silence and eyes seemed to drift off in all directions. "Oh" she replied. 
I waited several more seconds and when none of them said anything I decided I would excuse myself. "Yeah...I'm just gonna go get a drink." For a moment I did wonder if Leah would stop me, but she said nothing and I breathed a sigh and rolled my eyes as I escaped. Anxious I looked around for Kale I couldn't see him but relaxed a little when I saw Brody by the drinks. He was at the back of a blue ford truck diving into one of the chilly bins. A group of wolves stood near by glancing at him occasionally and talking amongst themselves. "Anything good in there?" I asked coming up beside him. "Couple of Coronas...heineken..." Brody clinked through the contents and handed me a corona. "Thanks." 
Brody leant back against the truck and took a swig of his beer "So how'd the chat with the ladies go."
"Hah! Don't even go there" I groaned.

Brody chuckled and I took a sip of my beer wishing we had some lemon. One of the wolves from the group next to us walked towards us and I felt my body stiffen as he approached. Brody nodded in acknowledgement. He came between us to grab a drink and I shuffled over a little at his closeness. "So," he grinned turning round and with a large hand twisting the top of heineken off with a hiss "You're the Alphas girl huh?"

My lip curled as he leant back against the truck comfortably knowing he was starting an unwanted conversation. I smiled weakly not wanting to start with an argument. "And who are you?" 

"Clinton, but call me Clint." 

"Kaela. And this is Brody." I nodded signalling to Brody who looked to be gripping his beer a little too tightly. Clint briefly acknowledged Brody, who's lips curled into the weakest of smiles. "Apparently you've got a big mouth?" Clinton grinned his eyes narrowing into a curiously suggestive stare. Brody's nostrils flared, "The fuck are you playing at?" he growled turning to face Clinton the beer bottle clenched at his side. Clinton's eyes widened in amusement, "Nothing...I just heard she has a quick tongue-"

Brody dropped the bottles which clunked to the ground and pulled Clint forward by the top of his muscle tank. Deep growls rumbled from around us as Brody and Clint stared eye to eye, Clint with wide excited eyes as Brody glared at him a hiss escaping his lips. The group of wolves who had been stood away from us were now circling. Muscles were bulging and testosterone was thickening as more wolves circled in. One of the wolves was smiling and I noted how calm Clint was. I reached out and placed a hand on Brody's arm, he didn't look at me his gaze fixed on death glaring Clint. A set up maybe? Trying to get us riled up? 

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