Chapter 29

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I pushed stray strands of my hair out of my face as I rolled the paint covered roller up and down against the wall. “Ehh “ I groaned. The smell was really beginning to bug me. You think you smelling paint is bad, well just imagine smelling it if you were like me. Trust me it’s ten times as bad. I was beginning to get a headache from the dreadful fumes of paint. 

“ Finished that wall yet Kaela?” Teased Ryan laughing from on top of the step ladder where he was painting round the edges of the ceiling and filling in the odd space that had been missed with the rollers.

“Mmmm I’m getting there!” I said brandishing the paint roller vigorously at him.

Ben took one look at me and laughed.


Dan who was painting on the other side of the room turned to see what was going on and her too looked at me and laughed.

“Oh come ON!” I cried putting the roller down in the paint tray and walking out the room to go and find a mirror. I passed Haley in the hall with her note book. She’d been busy writing stuff down and organizing everything for my room. Haley looked at me and sniffled a giggle her hand covering her mouth. I gave an exasperated sigh and carried on down the hall to the bathroom. The boys bathroom was the closest so I went in there to see what they were laughing at. Ehh it’s going to be paint isn’t it!? Sure enough looking in the mirror there were smears of paint across my cheeks and my forehead. It would have been from my itchy nose and the strands of hair that kept getting in my face.

“Hey what… oh.”

Jace was standing in the doorway still in his clothes from last night. His eyes narrowed as he caught sight of me, then he smirked as he spotted the paint.

“Ehh not you too!” I moaned  angrily running the tap to begin attempting to wipe away the paint. I swallowed nervously as he took another step into the bathroom nerves bubbling in my stomach. I rubbed furiously at the paint on my cheeks, it was really hard to get off. Warily I kept glancing at Jace in the mirror watching him. Every time I thought he moved my heart sped up. He made another move towards me and I spun round quickly gripping onto the sink behind me in fright.  “Kaela…I…” Jace was cut short as he was suddenly half pushed half thrown against the wall Kale gripping his shirt tightly, Jace’s feet dangling above the ground. “I warned you Jace. Touch her again and I Will Kill You!” Came Kales voice resonating loud and threatening bouncing off the walls of the bathroom.  Jace’s eyes were wide as he looked into Kale’s piercing gaze filled with dark turquoise anger. “Kale… stop... let him go.” I whispered taking a step towards him. “Don’t Kaela. He’s asking for it, so he’s gonna get it!” He snapped not even looking at me.

Anger  fizzled through me. “ Hey! Don’t you tell me...”

“Shut up Kaela! He deserves it!”

“ Fuck you Kale put him down!” I yelled back angrily taking another step towards them.



Kale’s fists clenched around Jace’s shirt harder the fabric ripping easily under his fingers. He was breathing heavily his jaw clenched tightly while his gaze was still on Jace who was still against the wall.

Slowly Kale lowered him down and released Jace’s shirt. Jace eventually came to his senses and scowled at Kale re-aligning his shirt and storming out of the bathroom.  Kale sighed and rested his arm on the wall his fist still clenched angrily. I made to follow Jace and leave the bath room but I was rudely stopped. Kale had grabbed hold of my arm. “What!?!” I snapped glaring at him. His eyes narrowed but he said nothing. “Sometimes you don’t know when to butt out you know that! He had it coming, next time just keep your pretty mouth shut will you!” He growled. My fist slammed into Kale’s face before he had time to react. In the next second we were both moaning in pain, Kale because of his nose and me because of my wounds which had stretched tightly, the skin ripping around the stitches. “Bitch!” Grumbled Kale. “Ass!” I moaned back my eyes squeezed shut waiting for the pain which was rippling through my chest, to stop.

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