Chapter 61

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 My eyes flashed open. It was morning, and sunlight shone through the windows a strip of sunlight across the bed. Under my cheek I could hear Kale's heart beating in his chest, a slow but powerful rhythm. His arm was still around me, and his breath tickled the top of my head. I'd slept the whole night through, not one vision. But a pit was already forming in my stomach as I remembered everything I'd told them last night. The hollow feeling inside me left a growing chill which was beginning to eat away what little of me was left.

I closed my eyes not wanting to think about it, concentrating on Kale's heart beat as he slept.

'Thump thump- thump thump- thump creak'

My eyes flew open and locked onto the door as it was slowly opened, inch by inch.

 James's head peaked round, his hair ruffled and slightly damp from a morning shower. The door opened fully and his eyes met mine. For a moment he just stood there, then a smirk slid onto his face. The bed sheets were wrapped tightly round me, my head rested on Kale's bare chest. 'What?' I mouthed feeling irritated.

"Oh nothing- "

Suddenly the bed beneath me moved, Kale lurched forward and his arm flew.

I froze. Kale was leant over me teeth bared and breathing heavily his body only an inch from my face. Slowly I looked towards James. James was stood rigidly  his shoulders bunched and his pupils diluted . A silver switch blade was lodged deep in the  door frame only inches above his head.

My mouth hung open in shock. "Well good fucking morning to you too sunshine!" Grumbled James snidely. He reached up and dislodged the knife from the door frame.

"What?" Grumbled Kale not moving a muscle and still looming over me tensely.

James held the knife in his hand admiring the silver glinting blade, reflected light hitting his face. "Well in about an hour or so we're all meeting outside for Harry's 'theory'. Thought you might want to eat, and get changed - into something more appropriate.." He drawled his eyes meeting mine for a spit second before Kale chucked something else at him.

James's walked up to the bed and Kale stiffened further a rumble growing in his chest. James slowly placed the knife on the bedside table and held up his hands in mock submission.

"You mate, are SERIOUSLY uptight and not a morning person." He said while backing out of the room.

"Get out James."

"I'm going. I'm going."

The door shut and Kale flopped back with a sigh.

"What the hell was that!!" I exclaimed loudly sitting up and reaching for the black handled switch blade. The bed sheets rustled pulling around me.

Blade in hand I sat back in the bed and slowly flicked out the six inch blade. It shone  deadly flakes of wood and paint fragments dusting the end of the blade. "Do you always do that?" I asked.

Kale had his head rested back on his pillow his black hair sticking up at odd angles, he looked at me  and shrugged. " I'm... a light sleeper."

I looked at him dumb founded. "Uh huuuh. What the fuck, you keep this under your pillow? Then you chuck it at who ever wakes you up nearly stabbing them in the head and killing them! You have a serious condition." I said waving the blade at him.

His eyes never left mine, completely unfazed by the blade which was whizzing past his face only a centimeter away.

Kale's hand shot out and the blade was suddenly no longer in my hand. "And you, have a dangerous love for waving sharp weapons around." He grinned dropping the blade on the bedside table behind him.

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