Chapter 34

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 I made my way as quick as I could down the hall, my knees still in a jelly like state. I wiped away the dampness of my tears and tried to regain my composure.  It wasn’t long before I heard Kale’s footsteps coming after me.  Please just drop it, just leave it please please please pleeeaaase! His large hand reached out and gripped my shoulder stopping me in my tracks and spinning me round to face him and his narrowed accusing eyes. “Tell me Kaela. What’s wrong?”

I struggled to find words as my eyes were locked to his. “Nothing…” I mumbled feeling out of breath as I was sucked in further to the intensity of his eyes. “ Look.” I said closing my eyes and then opening them with a smile. “I’m fine ok.”

I tried my best to sound convincing but Kale wasn’t having any of it, I could tell that he knew something was up.

“Damnit Kaela tell me! “ He growled through gritted teeth both his hands now placed on my shoulders his grip tightening as he glared down at me.

“I’m FINE.”

Kale hissed angrily a rumble rippling up his chest. As he released my shoulders his hands flying up dramatically as he began pacing up and down the hall. I watch him with his back to me pacing down the hall his hands as large fists at his sides. He spun round and pointed a finger at me accusingly. “I know there’s something wrong Kaela you can’t hide it.”  Kale ground out coming back towards me with determination. “Kale! I’M FINE!” I yelled feeling annoyed. “Honest.” I said my tone giving what I hoped was an honest look.

He scrutinized me his fists still clenched and his body rigid, his gaze slowly diminished as his stance relaxed his fist curling open. Kale’s eyes closed as he took in a slow inhale of air, and before snapping them open again. My stomach leapt at the expanse of turquoise and blues spread over his irises that electrified me at every glance. I watched his lips part as he opened his mouth to say something “Kaela I…” But as you’ve probably guessed, he was cut short. He was cut short by an annoyingly loud shrill voice behind him that caused us both to cringe. “Excuse me!!!” Guess who?!?  Kale’s face dropped his jaw tensing with annoyance as he rolled his eyes before stepping out of the way for Tina. I however had a different idea.

I stood there with my arms crossed over my chest and a smirk on my lips my stance widening as I remained still. Tina took one look at me and her lip curled up in disgust as she looked me up and down clearly disappointed in my attire. “Eh. Move!”  She said waving a manicured hand at me.

“Eh. Walk around!” I said mimicking her shrill girly voice. I watched Tina’s face screw up into a snarl as her eyes narrowed . “MOVE!” She screamed stomping her foot like a two year old. “Make me.” I whispered my eyes widening in challenge. Tina’s glare didn’t leave my eyes as I looked straight into them leaving my challenge settling over her poor set mind. Seconds ticked by, then minutes as we began our stare down.

Has anyone actually seen a cat blink? I didn’t think so. So as you can imagine minute after minute past neither of us so as much twitching as we glared each other down. Kale who was still stood against the wall watching us, had leant back his arms crossed over his hard chest a bemused smile on his face as his gaze flicked from one to the other. Another couple of minutes later he let out a yawn of boredom. It was then that Tina’s eye twitched. It was ever so subtle but enough to cause me to smile seeing the finish line ahead and vastly approaching.  Tina’s bottom lips trembled as her eyes began to water and redden. My smile grew into a grin as I took on the expression of the Cheshire cat, smugness caked on my face nearly as thick as her makeup.  Tina’s face broke and she let out a scream of frustration, stomping her feet in tantrum.  “You…are…such… a ..BITCH!” She yelled as she spun on her heal and stomped back down the hall from where she’d come.  I jumped up widening my stance further and bending my knees as I showed her both of my middle fingers in a little victory dance. “ See ya biaaaaCH!” I laughed. 

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