Chapter 47

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Andrew didn’t say much. He just looked at me with this sly smirk, which signified trouble and then muttered. “See you in English.” Before he walked off.

When we got to ‘our’ table though there was plenty to be said. “What was that all about?” Asked Tim.

“Nothin’ much really, just Andrew being an annoying prick.” Shrugged Ryan pulling out a plastic chair and sitting down.

“More than just a prick alright.” I muttered.

Ben and Brody exchanged looks.

The break went fast Haley had quizzed me about the whole of first block , it was amazing how many questions she come up with. The next block went by even faster than break did. Just as I managed to get sent out of English, I managed to blow up a microwave in ‘Home Class’. It didn’t go down well with the teacher. The home class teacher was better than Mr Crowley. He was called Mr Gaye. I know right, Mr Gaye. What sort of a last name is that? He preferred to be called Chef though which is understandable.  ‘Chef’ was quite a short man with lank floppy blonde hair, and the remains of what would appear to be a streak of blue which has grown out.  He was neatly dressed in a pair of light grey skinny jeans and a stark white shirt, which looked freshly ironed without a crease in sight. Chef liked to stand up at the front of the class behind his own kitchen counter. Here he liked to talk using vigorous hand motions and speak of the wonders of freshly prepped food and the delicious aromas, and succulent tastes of steak, and the sweet cool taste of salad. You could tell cooking was definitely his niche. As for the students in his class, it was hard to tell if they were more interested in the cooking, or the teacher. The first benches at the front of the class were occupied with girls, many were typically blonde, the leant over their benches gazing at Chef hanging on to his every word. Out of the few guys who were in the class, only one seemed genuinely interested in cooking, the others only there for the food by the looks of it.

We were making chocolate sponge pudding that the microwave incident happened. It had been before actually putting the pudding in the microwave that I made the mistake. When Chef wasn’t looking I’d taken out a teaspoon from the draw and had a little taste of the pudding. It was so good! Chef was walking round the class, and before I knew it he was at my bench which I was sharing with Rachel, and Sam.

I guiltily turned around and shoved my pudding into the microwave as quickly as I could before he noticed. “Right girlies, have you finished your puddings?” He asked clasping his hands together. “Yes.” Smiled Rachel. “We were just about to cook them in the microwave.” Said Sam.  Chef looked to me then expectantly. “Yeah..” I said ducking down to the microwave. I put in the time then pressed start. I stood up and gave a weak smile. Having been convinced he walked on to the next bench. As soon as he was out of ear shot Rachel and Sam were already talking about him. “His eyes!” Gasped Rachel.

“I know! I swear they even have a sparkle, a REAL sparkle!” Exclaimed Sam. I stood there and shook my head in disbelief. It was as I ran the tap in the sink that I realized strange noises were coming from the microwave. I turned the tap off and looked down at the microwave. It hissed and popped and then BANG. My mouth dropped open. “ MERCIFUL HEAVENS!!!” Came a loud cry. My eyes widened and I looked up to see Chef running over hands clapped on his cheeks. His chest was going up and down and he seemed to nearly be hyperventilating. He looked from me to the microwave. As seconds ticked by I bit my lip aware of everyone’s gaze on me. “Oh darling that’s so dangerous!” He exclaimed waving his hands in the air.

“Sorry.” I muttered bending down and switching the microwave off at the wall. “Don’t open it!” Gasped Chef in a pain filled voice. “ I’ll clean up the mess…”

“No no no.. just just leave it.” He said a manicured hand clapped over his eyes as he shook his head. “Please, just go stand at the back of the class till the bell rings. There’s nothing that can be done.” He sniffed.

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