Chapter 66

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“Well, I can’t believe you two. God damnit guys.” Grumbled Harry marching down the steps and finally leaving Dr Carson’s house. We’d been sat on the back end of the truck for nearly half an hour.
“ I’ve apologised to Michael, and since you won’t oblige him to do the studies, I’m going to make notes on his behalf.”
Kale groaned.
Harry leant over the tailgate of his truck and frowned at him.
“Look it’s not that hard, in fact you two barely have to make any effort at all.”
I sighed and Kale smirked. “Fine. But don’t go getting all creepy like your buddy Carson.” 
James opened the back car door. “Are we getting coffee now or what?”
“Hurry up! Yelled Ryan who was already sat in the car waiting.  I was so ready for a coffee. My eyes felt heavy and my legs while stiff from sitting for so long were lacking energy as I jumped off the tailgate. Harry shut the driver’s door with a little more force than necessary, he was definitely a little ticked off.  While I partly felt guilty about how childish I had acted over the needle, and I guess how stubborn I’d been about leaving, there was something about Doctor Carson that I didn’t like. The manner in the way he addressed my parent’s death with his disregard of consideration, the intense curiosity of his stare and the quick flash of his over  enthusiastic smile.  In short he creeped me out and put me on edge. I hoisted myself up into the truck Kale close behind me.
“Which coffee place are we going to again?” Asked Ryan with his phone out.
“Uhm, what’s that one on main street…”
“Oohhh yeah  I know the one. What…say…. Three twenty?”
Harry pulled out and we were back on the road. “Yeah, three twenty , three thirty-ish.”
“Euuhgghh COFFEE , LORD GIVE ME COFFEE.” Cried James.

Kales warm hand gently rested on my bare thigh. “You okay?” He whispered.
My head felt fuzzy and it took longer than it should have to respond. “Yeah…. I think so.” 
I was a different species.  So many things were racing through my head, the bond I now had with Kale and all its physical and psychological changes, and now the idea that I was a different species.  I began to question reason. Why? How?
My only hope at a proper answer was from Doctor Carson, a man who I’ve met for only 25 minutes and I already have a strong dislike towards him. It scared me that he knew so much , but without this new information, I’d still be wondering why I’ve been hunted. Is this why Derik Denton wanted me?  Because I was some new freak shifter with different DNA and why Trent is still hunting me? Or is this just an added factor which Trent is unaware of.
My head swum with new possibilities, and I felt the faint pang of the migraine I’d had earlier reforming at the back of my skull.

Kale held me against his body and I was aware that I my legs were shaking. “Kale … I…”
“Is she okay?” Ryan turned round in his seat to look at me.
“She’ll be fine. She’s just….overwhelmed….” Murmured Kale softly above my head.
I settled closer against him as the weight of my eye lids pressed closer sleep dragging me downward on a tight chain.

“FINALLY!” Exclaimed James.
My eyes snapped open.
“Coffee my fucking saviour, here I come!”
The car shook slightly as he fidgeted in his seat and opened the door letting in a cool autumn breeze which hit my bare legs.  I jumped a little as the door slammed. “Are you awake?”  Kale’s warm hand gently rubbed my arm. “Coffee time.”
I sat up and yawned.  “Feel better?” Kale grinned his turquoise eyes sparkling humorously and his lips quirked into a smile. “Hmmmmhmmm” I smiled leaning forwards to kiss him. Before my lips had even met his , he had both strong hands on my waist and was pulling me towards him. I gasped in surprise just before his mouth pressed hungrily against mine a predatorial rumble soft at the base of his throat. A hand slipped softly up under my white singlet. 

Hands banged on the outside of the glass making me jump. “OH COME ON!” Yelled Ryan. Kale growled angrily and I grinned placing a hand on his bicep for him to stop.
“Coffee time.” I smiled.
Kale scowled and I shuffled over to the door. Ryan stood outside a sour look on his face.
I slid out the car Ryan waiting for me. As soon as I was out Ryan was already heading towards the steps to the coffee shop as Kale loomed behind me shutting the car door.  At the sight of the coffee shop I inwardly grimaced. It was the same coffee shop I’d been to with Nardia and Tom, with the coffee guy John.  Well here’s to hoping he’s not in today.
Haley was already parading up the side walk towards me the rest of the crew behind her. She squeezed me into a quick hug. “How’d it go?”
“Oh…it, well…”
“She’s a different species.” Called Ryan from the top of the steps waiting with the door open.
Haley Gasped. “Oh my god… really?!”
“Freak.” Hissed Tina striding past us and up the steps Jace tailing behind her.
My fist clenched.
“Ignore her. But seriously, a new species? That’s fuckin’ awesome!” Grinned Dan.
“Come ON!” Called Ryan.
Tim took hold of Haley’s hand and we made our way up the steps to where the smell of coffee greeted us. Our lot were already lined up across the counter ordering coffees, and it made it hard to squish in through the door.
“Jesus just say your order and sit your asses down!” Growled Jace flipping open his wallet.
John stood behind the counter looking overwhelmed at the sudden queue of 14 people. 11 well built guys and loud deep voices attracted a lot of attention. A table of 5 girls from college were whispering amongst themselves with smiles upon their faces. They watched the guys with flirtacious smiles hoping to catch their eyes.  Tina had also caught on to this and smirked smugly linking her arm through Jace’s and waiting with him. One by one we ordered our coffees, we were slowing taking up the back half of the coffee shop. Chairs were lifted and dropped lazily around clustered tables as each man claimed a seat.  James and Ryan smirked at the girls giving winks and smiles.  I nearly laughed out loud as they strutted past their table. 
“Long black, no sugar.” Grumbled Kale recognising John from the previous encounter when he’d walked in on John flirting with me , and even receiving Johns phone number which Kale had been later found scrawled on the side of his coffee cup when we got home.
“Oh hey,….Kaela right?” Beamed John looking straight past Kale giving him no acknowledgment at all. This is unfortunately considered between male shifters as a clean insult, one which John was obviously not aware of.  Kale bristled his shoulders stiffening.
“Oh hey” I smiled neutrally, making sure not to address him by name in fear of spiking even more anger from my boyfriend.
Jace who was still stood waiting with Tina with his wallet smirked. “Quite a crowd of….friends you’ve got there.” Smiled John raising an eyebrow and glancing over to the guys at the back of the coffee shop. Somehow they’d managed to squeeze 3 on a bench seat looking like adults sat at the children’s table. If a game of footsies was somehow to get started, I don’t know what state the coffee shop would be in at the end.
“Hah, really…”
“Yeah, do they take steroids…??” John laughed
He was trying to be funny, but it just wasn’t working for him. “Ehhh, no….”
My heart rate was speeding up at the sheer nerves of this meeting which was getting worse and worse.
Yeah, they don’t take steroids. They’re just an average group of 200 pound guys with insane strength, agility who could potentially kill a man with one blow…

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