Chapter 44

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Kale’s POV

Leaves crunched underfoot as I pushed through a wall of foliage and into the clearing. James was already there waiting for me. His cheeks slightly flushed,  brown hair windswept and sticking up at odd angleswith his arms solidly folded across his chest  and a bored expression upon his face. “Anything?” I ask my voice already showing my impatience.

“Nada. Nothing. Zilch. Zipo. Nothing but another left over fucking mess.”


“Yeah, I looked for tracks but there was none, must’a rained overnight. Nothing there but the faint smell of wet dog.” He grumbled crinkling his nose.  

“Dog?” I ask raising an eyebrow.

“Yes. DOG.”

“But there ain’t no dogs round here. “

“No kiddin’ ” James said sarcastically.

I glared at him. “Was there anything else about..”

“No. I checked round again, and there was nothing. I stretched out far North, and East but there was still nothing.”

“Damn.” I growled angrily beginning to pace back and forth.  “Well thanks for looking in again. “ I muttered nodding to him.

“Yeah whatever.”  He shrugged beginning to take his leave. “Hey has Kaela versed Dan yet?” He asked over his shoulder.

“Mmmhmm.” I said raising my eyebrows.

“Aw shit. Who won?”

A small smirk crept onto my face.  James grinned. “Of course.” He said shaking his head and giving a small chuckle. “You just couldn’t help yourself could you?”

I grinned. “I don’t know what you’re talking about James.”

“HAH!” James laughed throwing back his head. “You!” He said pointing a finger at me while walking away. “Are full of shit!” He laughed disappearing through the foliage.

Hah well I’d rather her win then lose. Especially when there are bets involved. But she does still have those three questions.

Thinking about those questions made me itch. I stopped pacing and looked back in the direction of the ranch.  I made a twitching step forwards and stopped. But something nagged me onwards and before I even realized it I was already striding back towards the ranch in large strides. I pushed through the foliage and out of the clearing my heart beginning to pound desperately.  At each foot fall my ears pounded blood pounding in my head. It was then that pain gripped my chest. My mouth fell open, my eyes widened my hand gripping out against the trunk of a tree. Sucking a breath tightly into my chest , locking it and then clenching my teeth as  regained my balance leaving the stability of the tree. The pounding got louder my head feeling like it was going to explode. With a short gasp I fell to my knees, head in my hands.  Kaela.

“Take her to the van.” He said dismissing me with a hand.

Hard fingers were digging into my flesh as strong harsh hands gripped hold of my shoulders and my wrists. My feet dragged exhaustion quickly rushing into my body, my head was pounding and the metallic taste of blood caking my mouth it’s scent fogging my nose.Shit it's another one. Another of Kaela's visions. This is like the third fucking one I've had. Each one has been getting worse and worse every single frickin time. Everything that happens to her, I end up experiencing, and it SUCKS. 

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