Chapter 31

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As Mitch and I entered through the glass sliding door we were both met with the tantalizing smell of food …and the eyes of everybody in the room. Haley and Tim were the only ones who were smiling, everyone else had accusing eyes on us that seemed to be analyzing our every move looking for traces of guilt. My eyes scanned over each face as I walked over to the table. I looked over to Mitch giving him a reassuring smile. He looked won at me and swallowed loudly his cheeks giving way to the forbidden blush. Really not helping Mitch! I sighed and rolled my eyes. As I pulled out my chair to the table my eyes met Kale’s which were narrowed his irises a dark turmoil of colour as the muscle of his jaw twitched angrily. “Well. . . . this looks nice…” I said awkwardly breaking the silence and picking up my knife and fork. Haley had cooked us each up a piece of steak, with new potatoes and fresh salad. Ignoring the continuous stares I cut into my steak sawing into it hungrily. I lifted it up to my mouth ready to put it in my mouth and eat. I looked up from my fork which was hovering a few inches away from my open mouth. They were still looking at me. I growled angrily and slammed my fork down . “Guys I can seriously NOT eat with you all staring at me. Would you please just quit it!!!” I glared at them all , each of them still meeting my gaze apart from Tina, Haley and Tim who’d already started eating. “WHAT?!”

Slowly they seemed to awaken  and pick up their knifes and forks to begin eating once more. Kale snarled  through gritted teeth  and grabbed his knife and fork, angrily stabbing into his steak viciously  all the while glaring  at me his eyes permanently locked onto mine. I growled and grabbed my own fork shoving it into my mouth. He didn’t even twitch as the prongs of his fork began to bend as he stabbed into another hunk of steak. He chewed it vigorously his jaw working over time. “Oh hey, sorry I’m a little late.” Came Ryan’s voice from somewhere behind me as he entered the room. Kale momentarily shifted his gaze to Ryan, as did I.  Ryan’s face turned into a grimace and then a frown as his nostrils flared angrily. I was then aware of the sudden resemblance between him and Kale, they were both so alike right now it wasn’t even funny. There was a loud cracking sound and I spun back round to face Kale. He was sitting there his knife and fork clenched in his large fists and his plate with a large crack down the middle of it. Smoke seemed to be coming out of Kale’s nostrils as he stood slamming his knife and fork down into the table and leaving the room. I blinked in confusion staring at Kale’s knife and his fork with a hunk of steak on it, which were standing erect in the table either side of his plate. “Geeze you guys need to cool down off the testosterone! Why is everyone so angry today? Seriously what the hell!!”

When I’d finished I picked up my plate and went and dumped it in the kitchen. I was just on my way out of the room when Haley called out my name. “I forgot to tell you, we all start back at school next week. We’ve given the school a ring so you enrolled already. You just need to pick your subjects and get your uniform.” Said Haley smiling cheerfully. School….school….I’m going to school……oh….my…god…school…..

“Oh…great.” I mumbled forcing a smile as butterflies began bursting out of cocoons I my stomach. “Is that alright?” Asked Haley looked at me funnily. “Yeah… it’s fine…” I said trying to sound confident giving an assuring smile. I turned round and carried on towards the door my head held high and my breathing controlled.  As soon as I was in the hall my hands went o my head and mentally screamed. OH MY GOOOOOOSH!!! I’d never been to school before as I’d been home schooled. When I was younger I used to dream of going to a proper school like all the other students, but now I wasn’t sure I really wanted to. But then again I didn’t seem to have a choice. What am I gonna do!?!  A uniform, I have to wear a uniform….ehhhh. Suckkkkkkk!! But what about classes? How will I know where to go? What If I get lost? I’m going to humiliate myself and I know it!

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