Chapter 37

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After brushing my teeth and washing my face in the bathroom I wondered back down the dark hallway towards my room. As I approached my room I glanced at Kale's closed door and thought about entering to see if he was alright. But at the sounds of something being thrown against the wall and smashing to pieces I decided against it and almost leapt into my room shutting the door behind me and flicking on the light switch. I breathed out a sigh as my eyes scoped round my room taking in each detail, a smile finding it's way across my lips. Ginning I walked across the wooden floor to my wardrobe and almost laughed aloud at all my clothes. All the tops, shorts, jeans and shoes. Heaven! I wasn't usually one to get hyper and giddy over clothes and shoes, but I was still female and so I was still extremely happy. "Hmmm.....pyjamas..where are you...?" I muttered to myself as I began opening draws in search. I found them third draw down, and being me just picked out the first set I saw. The pyjamas was a cherry red singlet with a picture of hello kitty and a pair of small black silk boxers. Ironic or what?!? Before I started to undress I peeped my head round the entrance to my wardrobe to check the door just to be safe. The door was still  closed but under the door I could see a constantly moving shadow that kept disappearing and then reappearing as whoever it was paced up and down the hallway. I bit my lip before retreating back into the wardrobe and stripping as quick as I could plunging my legs into the black boxers and tugging the singlet over my head just as I heard the door handle turn. "Jesus!" I screeched walking out my wardrobe tugging the rest of the singlet down over my middle. Kale was stood frozen in the doorway and I instantly regretted getting into my pyjamas. I watched as his pupils dilated with lust as he took in the sight that was before him. Rolling my eyes I huffed and walked back into my wardrobe picking up th clothes that I'd just gotten out of and thrown on the floor. "You could have knocked!" I grumbled ignoring the nerves gathering in my stomach as my mind began to replay what had happened only minutes ago in the living room round the table. Kale said nothing but I could hear his light padded footsteps moving across the floor in my room. I bent down picking up the last item of clothing and slinging it over my arm before walking out of my wardrobe. Kale was sitting on the edge of my bed quietly watching me as I walked over to the wash basket and dumped my undies into it and then began folding my clothes and putting them on my chair not knowing what to do with them. I turned round to face Kale and my heart fluttered abnormally. As soon as I felt his gaze I realized how little I was wearing and how naked I truly felt. My cheeks flushed at the fact I wasn't wearing a bra and that my nipples were probably visible through the unpadded singlet. I began to feel rather uncomfortable and my feet shifted about uneasily as I folded my arms across my chest. Kale's eyes were warm and dilated with was appeared to be lust. I cleared my throat awkwardly waiting for him to say something. His gaze lifted up towards my face and he gave a small smile before he then shifted his body about a little seeming a little uncomfortable himself. "Kaela... I wanted to.. apologise for earlier." He said in all honesty his eyes now hard and meaningful.

"It's not me you should be saying sorry to I'm not he one that's got..."

"Kaela! I don't give a damn about James right now." He growled  cutting me off. "The fact is Kaela." He said his gaze softening and his voice dropping to a whisper. "Kaela.. I nearly hit you. Damn I wanted to hit you!" He scowled at himself his fists clenching in remembrance. " Kaela I don't want to hurt you. Ever." He said his gaze dropping to the floor in remorse. His jaw clenched tightly revealing his anger at himself. " I should never have raised that fist at you. I'm sorry." He said his turquoise eyes an aching blue that tor right into me. "Kaela. Im dangerous when I'm angry, you should know that now."

I couldn't help but laugh. " And you Kale should know that I can do some pretty stupid stuff. I shouldn't have chucked that glass at your head let alone approached you." I smiled.

Kales lips quirked up at the corners in a smirk. "Hmmm." He muttered not entirely agreeing with me. I raised an eyebrow. "You know I was stupid throwing that glass at you." I persisted. Kale didn't look at me.

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