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"I'm dead if I talk to you!" Adam hissed.

The bottle in my hand smashes against the side of his cheek, glass exploding across the cell. He cries out gasping in shock as blood runs down his face. He coughs blood spluttering out his mouth and dribbling over his full lips as he stares at me incredulously. "Wrong answer. Where is she?"

My voice is rough and about as ragged as my appearance. All I could smell was dirt, blood and sweat all mingling together. I could feel the ache in my jaw as my teeth ground together in a struggle to rein in my temper and stay level headed. In my chest, my heart was raging at a rapid beat as adrenaline flooded my veins, as I stared Adam in the eyes damning him for being so pathetic. Another flood of tears was threatening to pool from his glassy amber eyes as he stared up at me in horror. "Where is she?" I ask again.

"I don't -"

My fist slams into the side of his jaw, and my muscles shake as I try to hold control and not level his skull straight into he wall. "Now listen," I growl grabbing hold of his shirt and slam him back into the concrete hard, as a hot prickly heat fires across my skin. "You tell me where she is and you might live long enough to watch me kill the son of a bitch, but you don't tell me where she is and you're going to damn well wish that Trent had killed you."

Adam's lip trembled slightly as more tears ran down his sticky cheeks, "...you don't know what he'll do if I tell you...no...no please!" He cries as I drive my fist deep into his ribs hearing the resounding crunch, followed by Adams high scream of pain. "Caleb!" I snap.

I glance over at where he stands with Ryan and Jace, his face is dark and as his eyes meet mine, his lips grow in a slow smile. Beneath me, Adam stops wriggling and I hear him choke a sob as Caleb steps into the rink. Caleb grins and crouches down next to us his ebony eyes drilling straight into Adam's as he slowly motions to Jace from the bars. Jace grins and reaches into his back pocket for his trusty pocket knife which he then drops into Caleb's hand. The blade flicks open and the half light glints off its razor sharp edge. "The last time we used this knife, Gareth lost his balls. "

Adam's face pales and he suddenly starts pushing against me fighting and struggling to get free. Caleb grins and then with deadly swiftness the knife is suddenly pressed against Adam's lips, "Shhh," Caleb whispers, "Don't worry, we'll start off slow. After breaking each of your fingers, we'll remove your finger nails one by one each time you fail to answer. Then your fingers, your toes..."

"No please..!"

"Don't test his patience Adam, he will kill you." Smirked Caleb, and then lowering his voice, "And it'll be fucking slow."

Adam was breathing hard blood splattering from his lips as the blood from his crushed nose ran amok down his face. As Caleb grappled hold of him, I breathed a sigh and stood up. It was a miracle this wimp of a shifter had survived so long with Trent.

I paced back and forth cracking my knuckles impatiently. It'd be over soon and I'd have the answer I was looking for. "Okay Adam, where is she?"

There was silence, and then Adam whimpered. My heart pounded in my chest and then seconds later a screamed ripped from Adams' throat as Caleb began breaking fingers with deft ease. "Where is she?"

"Come on Adam, or I'm going to start removing nails." I could hear the excitement beginning to coat Caleb's words. Adam groaned and screwed his eyes shut. I sighed, and there was another crack as two more fingers went. My patience was getting thinner and thinner. "Where is she?"


"Where. Is. She?"

The first nail was being removed and Adam's screams were beginning to give me a headache.

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