Chapter 2

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Edited 30/03/17

Slowly I regained consciousness awaking to the low rumble of an engine and the open road. My head ached in a throbbing pain which worsened as the vehicle rumbled over the dirt track bumping violently across the uneven track. As my senses began to awaken I could smell the smell of men's cologne, sweat dust and the strong unmistakeable scent of cat. My mouth was dry as parchment, and my body ached. I was on the floor of the back of a truck, the midday sun scorching my skin and the summer breeze tickling my ears.

"Shit she was a lucky find...and hot damn she's beautiful!" The guys voice made me jump and I felt my body tremble silently I prayed it had gone unnoticed as the drugs were still wearing off.

"She may look beautiful now, but she could be hideous once she's shifted back." Came a gruff voice behind me.

Slowly I tested my body for movement, I could now feel my front paws but my lower body was still numb. I'd have to wait a little longer before I got jump this joint. There was a yell from inside the truck. "I hope you lot aren't getting too cocky out there! Those drugs will be wearing off soon!"
Shit. My heart pounded in my chest as I silently prayed they wouldn't jab me with another dose. I felt the a few of the guys shift in their seats uncomfortably. "She's already ripped my fucking pants I'm not taking any more chances with this one."

"There're always like this."

"Not always, I mean Tina was pretty fuckin' keen aye!" 
The boys began to laugh, while I quietly wondered what sort of job this was, especially since I apparently wasn't the first. I grit my teeth to stop them from chattering, a nervous habit I had that right now would lend me in deeper shit. 
 She did one hell of a run though aye. That jump... shit even I was freaking out. Like I'm glad I made it, but I didn't think she would!"

"Sure sure, but you reckon she's going to play nice till we get back to the ranch?" 

There was a pause as a couple of the guys thought about it, then a few laughed. 

"Yeah I reckon she will."

"Ok I'll bet that when she wakes up all hell is going to break loose. If I win you have to do dishes and cook for a week, if I lose then I'll do it. Deal?"

One guy stomped his foot down loudly, "What? What about these guys?"
None of his mates backed him up and he groaned, "Fine deal." There was the slapping of hands in agreement and I had a little moment of delight when I found I could wiggle my pinky toe. Shows over. Slowly I sucked in a deep breath calming my heart rate and preparing myself for the run of my life. Slowly I extracted my claws, my tail giving a small flicker of anticipation.

I leapt up swiping the guy to my right causing him to duck low out of the way creating the perfect exit route. I leapt over him stretching my limbs out strong soaring over the back of the truck to a graceful landing. "Bloody hell!" 
Sparing no time at all I broke into a sprint the horizon my only target as I focused on putting as much distance between me and the truck as possible. Behind me I could hear the breaks squeaking on the truck as I slammed to a stop. There were multiple strings of curses and doors banged shut. Faster...faster.

Then just like that my hope disintegrated with a familiar pin prick of pain upon my rear—again. I spun round coming to a stop already feeling the defeat sinking in my chest. Back at the truck one of the boys stood on the back of the truck with a gun now slung over his shoulder in triumph as two ran to come and get me. I swiped angrily at the red fuzzy tip of the dart trying to dislodge it but as I did my head spun, the drugs were already kicking in again. I wobbled before falling to the ground with a humph. Fuck.

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