Chapter 21

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Soon we were tucking into glorious food. Kale had a burger and fries, Haley had a salad and I had ..Sushi!  We sat on a large table, and eventually the rest of the group joined us from where ever they’d been. Even Jace and Tina arrived, Tina with an apple and low fat sugar free smoothie, which looked frickin disgusting. Soon everyone was around the large red plastic table in the middle of the food court tucking into their food. Kale was sitting next to me, with Haley on my other side.

“Tina that looks gross what the fuck is that!?!” Cried Dan in disgust.

“It’s a low fat, sugar free HEALTHY smoothie. That’s what.” She sniffed taking another sip of the globby green substance.

“Healthy my ass. For all you know it could have food colouring, and all sorts of chemicals in it.” Said Dan taking a large mouthful of Chinese.

Tina turned up her nose in disgust and continued with her ‘smoothie’ .

“Be right back just going to the bathroom.” I announced standing up and pushing my chair back.

“Do you want me to come?” Asked Haley

“Nah, I’ll be fine. It’s just over there.” I said pointing over to the blue toilet sign at the other end of the food court. “I’ll come straight back, don’t worry.” I said when I caught the sight of Harry and Calubs doubtful worried looks.

I rolled my eyes and left, weaving my way between the tables to a sloping corridor that led to the toilets.

It was remarkably clean in the toilets, and they stank of cleaning products. The soap stank too, I think it was supposed to be lavender.   I quickly fixed my hair in the mirror, rearranging some of the misplaced strands that had gone rogue. My cheeks had a light pink happy glow, that made me look quite cheerful and my eyes sparkled. It was then that a thought popped into my head as I fingered with my dirty blonde strands of hair.

“…you could nearly be Tina’s sister…”

I hissed lowly, dropping the strands of hair. A small smile formed on my lips as the thought began to come to a plan.

I left the bathroom with a smile once again lit up on my face as I made my way back up the sloped corridor. A group of boys were in front of me making their way back to the food court too, and one of them spotted me and grinned.

“Hey.” He said cheerfully, giving me a small wave.

This alerted the other boys he was with and they turned and looked at me. They looked pretty friendly to me, so I waved back and have a smile as I walked past them.

One of the boys loped after me. “You doing anything later, perhaps we could go see a movie?” He asked boldly stepping in front of me.

I gave him a look of surprise and raised my eyebrows. “ s’not that you aren’t my type or anything..” I said running a finger down his chest. “..Buuuut I’m busy. So if you don’t mind, I have to go.” I said winking and walking round him.

“Hey, don’t go!” He said grabbing my arm so I couldn’t walk further. I spun round my eyes flaring at his touch. “Let. Go.” I said calmly.

The boy’s grip loosened a bit, and he looked back at his friends who were watching him. A slow smirking smile creeped onto his face as he turned back to me.

“All I’m asking is for a little of your time, perhaps another day, just give us your phone number.”

I didn’t have a phone, but he didn’t need to know that.

“I’m not spending time with a complete stranger, and I’m not giving you my number. Last chance. Let go.”

He looked at me and laughed.

“Or what?” He sniggered.

Or you’ll find yourself leaving here with a broken nose.” Came a familiar low threatening voice.

The boys face turned slightly pale, the smirk leaving his face as he turned round.

Kale loomed over him, looking pretty pissed his turquoise eyes dark.

“Look man, I  I thought she was single… she didn’t say anything..!” He said trying hard to hold onto his voice.

You don’t sound so certain. Maybe you should ask her.”  The boy looked at me with wide eyes and then pointed at Kale.

“ he your boyfriend..?” He asked quietly.

“ No. But I’m going to be nice and give you a fair warning, he’s not joking about the broken nose.” I said smirking and then motioning for him to let go of my arm.

The boy hesitantly let go before looking back at Kale who stood with his arms folded over his chest looking menacing.

“Look man..” Began the boy his hands raised. “Who do you think you are!? What are you her body guard or something?” He asked giving a small laugh, trying to still sound cool in front of his friends who were staring wide eyes at Kale.

Kale snorted. “Care to find out?” He grinned showing two rows of pearl white teeth in a wicked grin while unfolding his arms .

The boy turned even paler and began backing away.

“Nah … I’m sweet…ni..nice teeth…..” He said before losing his nerve and darting back to his friends.

Kale gave an unimpressed snort before placing a hand on my back and pushing me back up the corridor.

“Hey” I growled turning round and swiping his hand away. Kale growled back and turned me round roughly, placing two hands on my shoulders and pushing me back up the corridor.

“Grrr! I know how to walk in a straight line up a corridor!” I snapped angrily.

“Seriously, what gives? I was fine.”

“Huh, yeah course you were.” He laughed.

“ I was! I was just about to break his nose before you intervened.”

“Yeah, you were about to break his nose in a shopping mall. That so wouldn’t of attracted attention.” He said sarcastically.

“Oh yeaaah and you SO weren’t going to break his nose either!”

“I don’t have to break peoples noses to frighten them.” He smirked.

“You SO would have broken his nose.” I muttered.

Kale gave a low laugh.

Once we reached the top of the corridor he removed his hands and walked beside me.

When we reached the table Ryan and a few of the other boys were glaring at Kale.

“What happened?” Questioned Harry.

“ Oh..” I began.

“Nothing, just happened to meet up in the corridor that’s all.” Said Kale giving a light shrug of his shoulders.

Okay… what’s with the not telling?

I shut my open gob and nodded giving a smile.

Ryan looked at me carefully.

“Whatever.” He said dismissing the matter.

“Ready to get some stuff for your room?” Asked Haley.

“Sure.” I said grinning.

“Me and Ben are going to take some stuff to the cars. Kale we’ll take those bags with us.”

Kale nodded and passed over some of the bags surrounding his chair.

“Well, you ready for round two?” Asked Haley standing up.

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