Chapter 33

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As Kale and I walked back through the woods my mind was perturbed. For once in my life I wasn’t sure what I wanted. The sureness in me had dissolved into nothing.  I can’t. My mind wandered helplessly not sure what path it wanted to take. Not yet.

We were nearly back at the ranch and my palms began to tingle. “Did you realize that you were covered with Mitch’s scent earlier?” Spoke Kale interrupting the silence and making me jump. I frowned confused.  “I guessed it later, but I didn’t really know till after I walked inside.”

Kale laughed.

“Geez was it that bad!?”  I asked feeling a bit annoyed.

Kale sighed and looked up a grin on his face. “No..” He said before laughing again.

My eyes narrowed in suspicion. He seems awfully happy… hesitantly I lifted my t-shirt up to my nose and sniffed. I coughed loudly, my nostrils flaring. Slinky bastard!

 My t-shirt stank.

It was intoxicated barely even breathable without choking. It annoyed me that he smelt so good though, but I really did not want to have to go through another déjà vu.  I growled at Kale angrily, but he merely smirked happily.

“I’m SO having a shower!” I muttered under my breath

I felt Kale’s body stiffen  next to me.

“Oh no you don’t.” He ground out through gritted teeth.

“Ohhhh yes I will! I’m not going in stinking of you!!”

Kale glared at me angrily his footsteps getting heavier as he stomped his anger out bit by bit,

There everything will be fine.  I sighed relieved  with a smile back on my face as we broke through the forest and onto the grass , the ranch now in view.   I wonder if the paints dry…? I had a feeling I’d be up till midnight in determination to finish my room. I felt my pace quicken with excitement .

“Fine go have your shower!” Growled Kale “Besides..” He said his voice chipper and amused, causing my heart to sink. Oh god what?!?  “It doesn’t really matter anyway, because I'M not having a shower.” He grinned revealing his pearly whites.

I scowled as I slid open the sliding door and stepped in. At the last minute I turned back to the sliding door and slid it back shut and locked it. Grinning triumphantly I pulled a face at Kale standing outside a scowl now on his face.

Before heading to my room I went to the back door, and the front door as fast as I could making sure they too were locked.  Smiling, I walked back down the hallway whistling a happy tune .  I entered my room and waved to Haley. “Hey! The paint dry?” I asked happily.

Haley looked at me a weird look on her face. “Yeah… it was dry an hour ago and LOVING your hair by the way!!.” Her eyes then darted around the room quickly. “You might want to have a shower..?” She asked raising an eyebrow slightly unsure of herself.

“ Yeah I know, he’s such an ass!” I said rolling my eyes and walking over to a pile of plastic bags stuffed with clothes. I rummaged through them while Haley filled me in on the details of what was next on the list.

 “…. So we’re going to get the boys to assemble the shelves, while you and I clear all of your stuff into another room so we can get the vacuum out and clean the floor and the windows. Then…”

Out of the plastic bag in front of me I pulled out some jeans and a grey off the shoulder top.

“Okay.” I said standing up. “I’m gonna go take a shower.”

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