Chapter Eleven

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As soon as the food was gone I wished I could make it reappear. The food at this ranch is amazing. No joke.Hah! Imagine one of those guys cooking! Bet they can’t even make toast.

Slumping back on my bed I pondered to myself on what the heck I was going to do, I was still pretty beaten up and there would be no sense in doing the usual exercise routine. I grimaced as the thought of having another visit flew into my imagination. Great.

Then right on queue I heard the sound of the metal gate outside clanging shut. Sighing I rose to my feet and walked outside to ‘greet’ my guest. As I walked outside I nearly collided with Mouse who was obviously not paying attention as to where he was going and literally jumped out of his skin when he saw me.


I smirked and pushed past him to go and sit outside. “Hey where are you going!” He called before lumbering after me. He may be called mouse because he’s so scared  but he like the rest of the boys wasn’t short and was still at least a head taller then me.

“Hey!” He called again placing a hand on my shoulder so he could slow me down. Big mistake.

I spun round and swung my fist at him, hitting him hard across the face. “OWW!!!!! MOTHER FUUCCCCCC…..!!!!” He swore holding onto the side of his face. He wasn’t the only one hurt, my first was throbbing, it was still bruised from the fight with Jace. I bit down on the side of my cheeks willing myself not to cry out.

“Don’t. Touch Me.!” I hissed. Turning round I continued in storm over to the small pond where I sat down at the edge and dipped my feet into the coolness of the water sighing with relief. The sun was hot , and the heat blisteringly inescapable, that was the only bad thing about the United States/ middle of nowhere a.k.a ‘The Ranch’ , too hot in summer, and too cold in winter.

Mouse came and sat next to me rubbing the side of his face where I’d left a nice red mark.

“Was that really necessary?” He asked exasperated.

“ Was touching me completely and utterly ‘necessary’?” I snapped.

“Ok, I’m ‘sorry’ for touching you!”

“Apology accepted.” I said giving him a fake smile and dropping it before turning away.

We sat there in dead silence as the minutes rolled on. Finally I decided to break it and ask a question. “ How many more visits?” I asked casually not bothering to look at him

“Well considering I’m sitting only two meters away from you I’m guessing only three more. But your gonna have to stop hitting out at people, EVEN if we touch you, honestly if you’re walking down the hall and we actually brush shoulders I’m not going to settle for you punching me for it!” He cried angrily. I looked at him and glared at him a little, and he shuffled a little further away.

“I just don’t like the idea that all of you think I can just be thrown around like a brand new toy… I won’t be man handled!”

“Maybe not but seriously I only put my hand on your shoulder.”

I grumbled a bit feeling the guilt seep in as I realized he WAS right. “Sorry” I mumbled quietly.

“Apology accepted.” He said cheerfully.

I glared at him and he raised his eye brows looking down at me, I sulked and turned away.

“So three more visits huh, and that’s only if I don’t decide to hit someone. Great.”

“Ah, it won’t be too bad.” Said Mouse encouragingly.

“ Huh, but it won’t be any fun.”

“ If you think hitting people is fun, you have no idea how much fun you can have in the practice rooms! You can do sparring too, if you like.”

“Really, you have a practice room? Do any of the other girls go in?”

“Well…no, but you seem the type that would.”

“Well yeah. But hey, fighting’s not the only thing I find fun.”

“Oh, what else, sleeping?” He said smiling.

“No….” I trailed on and then laughed as I splashed him with water from the pond.

Mouse’s eyes flew open as he took in the coldness of the water, his mouth wide open, before cracking into a smile and then splashing water back at me. As soon as the water hit my face, I made myself let out a growl and glare at him looking as if I was about to hit him. The smile dropped from Mouse’s face and he stood backing away from me.

“Kaela.. I didn’t mean to.. I didn’t…” he stammered.

I flashed a grin before splashing him again but with both hands, getting him soaked.

“Why you…. Bitch!’ He cried laughing as he ran back to the pond splashing me in the face with water. I squealed and stood up backing away at first before jumping into the pond, the water coming up to my waist, and splashing him with as much water as I could.

Soon the water battle really started and we were wrestling each other pushing each other’s heads under water while laughing. Mouse had the upper hand in the water since he was bigger so it was usually me getting my head dunked under, but I managed to get him back eventually. It was probably the most fun I’d had in years, besides kicking Jace and Ryan’s but around my enclosure.

After about half an hour we both stopped and lay at the side of the pool on the dead grass panting for breath.

“That. Was fun.” I panted.

“Yes, that was fun!” Sighed Mouse.

We lay there quietly barely a meter between us, just looking up at the orange and pink streaked sky of sunset. Calm, relaxed, peaceful, quiet, beautiful…

“Oi Mitchell shifts over!” Called a voice from the other side of the fence.

Mitchell groaned and stood up.

“See ya Kaela.” He said giving a small wave.

“Bye.” I said sitting up.

I looked over to the other side of the fence where Timothy was waiting to take his watching shift. Timothy unlocked the gate and let Mitchell out before he came in to take his place.

“Hey Tim, I’m going to go take a shower, so it’d much appreciated if you stayed outside thank you very much, and if you choose not to you’ll know what to expect. I said giving a weak smile before walking off to my room.

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