Chapter Twelve

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I wasn’t too worried about Tim coming in while I was in the shower so I didn’t worry too much about having a nice long shower without freaking out that one of the guys was going to enter the bathroom. Besides Tim had Haley, and they were a couple, and I can’t imagine Tim doing anything like that any way he’s not like the others, more grown up if anything.

So I relished and took advantage of my shower time staying for a good half hour, the steaming hot water washing down over my back. When I stepped out of the shower the steam was so thick I could hardly see the door. Wrapping myself in my towel I walked over to the mirror being careful so as not to slip over, whipping the mirror with my hand I cleared all the condensation away revealing my very much messed up face. It was still a little bruised from the fight with Jace, but In my opinion still healing quite well. Which then reminded me I hadn’t shifted in a while and if I left it another day it was going to be pretty damn hard if I left it even longer. Sighing I chucked my towel onto the floor in the corner and then knelt down on the cold floor shutting my eyes. I breathed in deeply focusing on the change.

It took a while but I shifted quicker than I thought I could of done, sat around for a couple of minutes and then shifted back. I was surprised that when I looked back in the mirror which had begun to steam up again, that there was barely a bruise left and had no evidence of a fight at all. Yus! I would probably feel tired later thanks to the healing but, hey, least I didn’t have a purple and blue tinted face anymore!

Turning to reach down for my towel I caught a glimpse of the long six inch scar that traveled diagonally down my back. I reached my hand back to run the tips of my fingers down the whiteness of the scar memories flashing through my head. Snarling to myself I broke my fingers away and snatched my towel from off the floor frustrated with myself. Now fighting back the hot tears that were boiling up in my eyes I toweled myself dry furiously, my skin flushing red at the harshness in which I was using the towel. ‘I will not cry!!’ I told myself stubbornly holding back tears while pulling on my clothes. Images began to flash through my memory and the voices along with them. “NO!!” I screamed out loud clenching my hands over the rim of the sink head down tears now overflowing and rolling down my cheeks in torrents.

“So you thought you’d come back did you?” Came a cold harsh voice from behind me.

I turned round quickly my heart pounding in my chest and instincts telling me to run. A tall figure stood leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and a sick grin on his face. He pushed himself off the wall and began to walk towards me. With every step he took I took a step back, fear griping my chest and eyes wide and panicked. He chuckled at the sight of my fear. “It’s alright we won’t hurt you..” He said calmly his eyes glinting intently, and as if on cue three more guys entered the room all looking at me hungrily.

A single tear ran down the side of my face, and the guy in front of me suddenly appeared in front of me, he cocked his head to the side peering at the tear rolling down my face and lifted his hand to catch it on the end of his finger. I froze as his finger touched the side of my face, my jaw clenched and eyes wide. Smiling he removed his hand from my cheek as if he was just going to leave me but then let his hand move towards my hair. As if on instinct I reach out and grabbed his wrist in my hand, my fingers barely making it round his full wrist but gripping hard all the same.

“Don’t. Touch. Me.” I hissed quietly.

The guy glared at me and then I was hit across the side of my face with the back of his hand, I gasped as pain throbbed through my cheek. Fury began to spread through me like wild fire and I was breathing heavily. I turned and glared at the guy leering down at me with a smirk. Before he knew what was happening I slammed my fist into his face and kicked him to floor sending him skidding on his back into the wall at the other side of the room.

“I said don’t touch me!” I yelled furiously.

“RAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I yelled angrily falling to my knees on the bathroom floor my head in my hands and my face hot with tears.

“GO AWAY!!!!” I yelled sobbing loudly.

There was a loud knock on the bathroom door . “ Kaela!! Are you alright..?!? Can I come in?!” Came Tim from the other side of the door.

“JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!! Leave me alone. Please.” I cried.

I knelt there for a few seconds before I heard the sound of Tim’s footsteps retreating, and as soon as I felt I was out of hearing distance I let I rip with the crying. My shoulders shook as I took in deep shaky breaths trying to calm myself and was then rudely interrupted by a loud banging noise on the bathroom door.

“KAELA OPEN UP!!” Came a loud yell from the opposite side.

Snarling I stood and flung the door open preparing to yell my heart out at who ever had disturbed me. Kale stood there staring at me a half pissed, half bewildered look upon his face. We stood there for twenty seconds simply him glaring at each other.

“WHAT!!!!!!!!” I Yelled right in his face on my tiptoes arms flung back dramatically.

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT!!!!!!?!!!!!!!” He yelled back even louder looming over me angrily.

“YOU ASKED ME TO OPEN THE FRICKIN DOOR NOW WHAT!!!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.



“WHY ARE YOU SO GOD DAMN ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!” Kale yelled my ear drums just about popping and his yells bouncing off the walls of the room.

I cringed at the volume that he’d just produced.

“Why do you care!” I snarled.

He paused after that and then snarled back before turning and stomping away a couple of meters and then coming back to me. I pulled the finger and strode out of my room outside, and sat in a humph on one of the large rocks. I looked up and glared at Cale as he stormed over to me and then sat down RIGHT next to me.

My mouth dropped open and I gave him an exasperated look. “Hello…!?! Get out!!” I cried standing up.

“No.” Kale said simply, glaring at me.

“Tim’s watching me so SCRAM!” I yelled.

“Actually Tim’s shifts over, so you have to put up with me for a whole two hours, because I’m doing double shifts, and no I’m not going to move OR leave you alone. And for information this is your last visit so you better behave.” He snapped before looking at me with an evil glint in his eye and an ever growing smirk .

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