Chapter 77

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I awoke slowly my eyes fuzzy and slowly coming to focus upon a horizontal room. Amelia's black sports trainers came into view and I sensed her hand upon my arm, I was on the floor of the gym and I felt like I'd just been sucker punched. My ribs ached and my head was still spinning as I slowly sat myself up on the floor. "Woah easy Kaela." Amelia warned her hands helping me to my feet as the room spun madly. Sucking in a ragged breath, I groaned working my jaw; the tense muscles ached painfully. A deafening bellow of anger hammered my ears and I flinched as Kale roared to life. Gripping hold of Amelia's arm I lurched to my feet the room still as I saw Kale and Caleb at arms against each other. Caleb's muscles strained against Kale's furious strength, he was seconds away from crushing Caleb's arm. "Kale!" What was meant to be a scream came out as a weak croak of horror as my throat was dry as parchment. I swallowed painfully and tried again it came out louder but Kale was still deaf. "Shit" I moaned pushing away from Amelia and staggering towards them drunkenly my knees shaking as I focused on staying on my feet. The room still wavered uncertainly as I reached out to Kale my fingers at first slipping from the fabric of his sleeve. I reached again this time colliding against him. "Kale for god sake stop!" I growled my mouth pressed into his shoulder. His body shook and I could feel the heat rising from his body, they were tell tale signs that he was only seconds away from shifting. Caleb snarled and hissed at me to hurry up. Kale's large hands were tightening like a vice, the flesh around his grip was pale white as Caleb's hand darkened a throbbing purple from the cut circulation. My body was trembling with the after affects of the vision and I could feel myself weakening while Kale fumed with strength and fury. I reached up and made a grab for what ever was available, my hands found his ear and I pinched it tightly between my fingers. "Stop it!" I hissed through clenched teeth. A deep growl rumbled through his body his nostrils flaring as he let out a furious yell. Caleb was thrown across the room smacking loudly into the benches and Kale pulled away from me before throwing both fists into the walls with a echoing boom. Concrete caved around his fists deep cracks shot across the wall and dust crumbled across the floor. Kale's shoulders bulged through his shirt as his muscles strained against the fabric tremors of the shift shooting through his body. His breathing was quick and uneven as he fought to restrain himself. Caleb shuffled to his feet cradling his arm, "Reel it in Kale" He shouted. Kale twitched and his right fist lifted and smashed deeper into the walls. "Shut up!" I snapped. Caleb snarled at me giving me a deadly look, "Don't you go anywhere near him Kaela! He'll kill me if he hurts you - don't do it!" 

My heart pounded as I looked between Caleb and Kale who was burning into a hot mess sweat soaking his shirt. From the corner of my eye I saw Amelia move a fractional step towards him. I rounded on her snarling, "Don't fucking move!"

Her eyes widened and then narrowed at me, I could tell she was twitching to retaliate but was distracted as another roar shook the room. The metal stairs to the basement clanged loudly as heavy footsteps rushed to emergency. Ryan was first inline and his eyes lit with horror when they came to rest on Kale. Instinctively his arm shot out stopping the other boys in their tracks. 
Breathing heavily I took a slow step towards him, a number of growls erupting behind me.

 "Kaela stop!" Caleb hissed.

I blinked as my head went fuzzy for a few seconds and I gasped softly. At the back of my head I could feel Kale's emotions roaring within him a furious destructive wave. 'Breathe...Breathe....' I chanted softly as I grit my teeth and walked towards him. I didn't know what I was going to do. He was so close to completely losing it. When I was only a step away from him I reached out and gently touched his arm. Deep snarls rippled from his lips and his knuckles tightened against the concrete "Get...away..." I flinched at the strangeness of his voice and then noted how his jaw was jutted forward distorting his mouth. The next thing I did was probably the single most idiotic dangerous thing I've ever done short of trying to knock him out. In one swift movement I ducked beneath his arm until I was caged in front of him my back against the wall. With both hands I reached up and took hold of his head forcing him to look at me. My heart pounded violently in my chest as I stared into his eyes, his pupils diamond, and irises burning fluorescent green. He jolted and groaned trying desperately to recoil away from me but I held firm demanding his attention. "Kale...look at me." He groaned his muscles straining and he closed his eyes. "Look at me!" I shouted. I flinched slightly as his eyes shot open his lips pealing back ready to snarl. "Breathe, come on. Breathe." I whispered begging him to calm and silently praying that this was going to work. Kale's nostrils flared and he gasped his jaw clunking back into place. Seconds past and I was beginning to wonder if this was it, but slowly his pupils softened back to normal and his muscles relaxed back to place. He was still shaking, and he was still angry but he was a little more human. "I'm gunna kill him."

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