Chapter 69

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Nathans POV

Metal clanged and my cell door swung open with a creak. Steady in my stride I met Deon's black eyes holding his gaze as I strode out. The growl that followed the back of my footsteps was unmistakeable. I let it simmer through me fuelling the eternal fire within. It thrummed through my veins a restrained power that was reigned only by a control I'd learnt over the years. Niall was waiting for me his eyes glinting maliciously. "See how long you last this time princess." He smirked brushing his shoulder dangerously close. Niall words were nothing to me anymore. Nothing but words of ever flowing shit out of a donkeys ass. Empty threats and sour words. Shadowed by Deon and with Nial close to my side I was silently led towards the room where I knew he was waiting. Already with each footfall my muscles were beginning to tighten beneath my skin. Nial's elbow dug into my side and my nostrils flared. My temper was already spiking out giving him a reaction which I didn't want to give. Holding the solid oak door open for me with a smirk, Nial knew something I did not. Deon growled behind me and shoved me forward with force that made me stagger and fight from falling to humiliation and undoubted rage. My throat bulged my chest swelling as I held back a primal growl. I was on edge tonight.

Bitter animalistic rage at the monster who stood in this room vs the logic of holding back emotion and staying out of my named prison. Deon stepped in behind me and shut the door, he would stand there in silence waiting for any given command. My eyes were already tracked onto Trents form as he stood classically by the window in front of his desk. He was on the phone.

"...No sir. She was quite hostile towards any further-"

"Yes." Trent interrupted. He turned sharply on his heel his piecing cold gaze locking onto me. A smile tugged the corner of his lips, a private tug of amusement which chilled my insides. "Keep contact, and send me those test results."

"Yes sir... do you want me to initiate studies into the partners-"


It was easy to detect the sudden edge to his voice. Trent hung up and smiled at me placing the phone carefully on his desk, aligning it just so.

"So." He clapped his hands together with fake pleasantries, he motioned me to come further into the room, signalling to the seat waiting in front of his desk. Stiffly I walked towards him my whole body felt locked, on edge, my senses prickling with awareness and my eyes watching him like a hawk. I stood in front of the chair for a paused moment testing my boundaries before Tent's eyes levelled me with a stare. "Sit." He commanded. Carefully I lowered myself into the chair my hand coming to rest on the black leather. "Don't mark the leather." There was no amusement in his voice, he was serious. Gritting my teeth I fisted my hands in my lap and lowered my gaze. I was sat like an insubordinate school kid in the principles office.

"So, how have your last few weeks been? Comfortable?" I thought back to the thin mattress, cold concrete, and the dark that had been my cell. Lifting my head I looked him in the eye but said nothing. Trent was undeterred. "Well you will be glad to know that my week has been most...interesting." He paused and straightened slowly he turned to the windows slowly passing. It was a dangerous combination of irritation and stirred dark thoughts. "Things turned out to be a little more complicated than expected."

He stopped pacing. "Soon." He murmured. "Soon I will have her."

My insides boiled.
Trent turned a nasty smile on his face. "But first I have a little problem that needs to be dealt with." He closed his eyes and breathed a sigh. His nostrils flared at a thought, and his jaw twitched. I sat now ramrod straight and my breath hitched in my throat for what ever he was to do or say next. Trent's eyes then glowed with malice. "I have a job for you." 

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