Chapter 42

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 Nothing could have prepared me for the jolt of sensation which flooded through me, electrifying every cell in my body. Kale’s firm lips pressed against mine as he cajoled his way into my mouth nipping and tasting, dominating over me. A small moan escaped my lips and Kale rewarded me with another nip on my lower lip a low rumble sounding from deep in his throat. I hesitantly my hand crept up his chest feeling his muscles shift beneath my finger tips as he pulled me closer enclosing me in his warmth, his scent washing over me. A smile crept to my lips as I caught his lip in between my teeth giving a nip. Kale chuckled his hands sliding down my waist.  I relished the moment, closing my eyes. His lips caressed my skin from the line of my jaw down the side of my neck till they settled on my collar bone. Kale pressed his lips softly on my collar bone and sucked , causing my fingers to dig into his shoulders ,  a growl escaping my lips. I could hear him laughing into my neck softly as he released his lips, and gently trailed his tongue over my collar bone, as if licking it better. He took in a deep inhale of breath as his lips trailed back up to mine. There was one last lingering kiss, before he slowly pulled away a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Taking another inhale of breath through his nose he stepped back. “That’s better.” 

Kale turned to leave. “What?” I gaped.
“Oh...” Began Kale sounding surprised.  “You smelled funny.” He said bluntly with a shrug of his shoulders as he disappeared out of the bathroom.  My mouth dropped open. He didn’t....! My chest heaved with anger. “Oh...” Said Kale his head popping back round the side of the bathroom door. “ ... and  don’t bother showering unless you want company.” He grinned before disappearing again.
“KALE YOU STINKING PIECE OF SHIT!” I yelled stamping my foot down angrily. Snatching up the empty water bottle by the sink, I stomped out of the bathroom and pulled the finger at his retreating figure, as I made my way to my room. “Stupid fucking jerk!” I muttered under my breath as I slammed my door shut.  I wanted nothing more to claw his eyes out, and have a shower, but I couldn’t either of those options ending in my favour. Chucking the water bottle at my bed angrily, I went to my wardrobe and stripped out of my clothes. I put on a pair of shorts and a red and white close fitted checkered shirt with short sleeves. After bundling the clothes I’d just stepped out of and chucking them into the wash basket, I picked up my perfume bottle and sprayed myself, hoping to mask Kale’s scent which was as evident as I stinking lavender bush. Note: I hate Lavender.
I grabbed the empty water bottle and walked out of my room still seething with anger. 

In the living room Dan was passed out asleep on one of the couches and Ben was hammering away at a play station remote controller, his tongue practically hanging out his mouth. My lips quirked up in a smirk as I shook my head, heading for the kitchen.
It was empty in the kitchen. A neat stack of bowls and plates stood next to the sink waiting to be washed. It instantly reminded me about the invisible breakfast sitting in my stomach, which groaned in complaint.  I put the water bottle down on the counter and then scowered round the kitchen for a piece of fruit.  When I found the fruit bowl it was simply loaded.  There was a massive bunch of bananas, oranges, apples, pears and a bunch of grapes, along with stoned fruits like peaches. After my eyes hovering over the juicy looking fruits for a good ten seconds I greedily snatched up a pear, biting into it in an instant. Juice dribbled down my chin.  Wholey moley this is good!   Licking my lips I took another bite, this time careful to not dribble.
I hovered about in the kitchen for a bit until I’d finished the pear, as it wasn’t going to last that much longer.  As soon as the rubbish bin lid clanged shut I was out the kitchen and hovering behind a couch. “Hey do you know where Jace is?” I asked.
Ben’s eyes never left the screen as he leaned the side the car on the screen turning, and Ben’s fingers jabbing buttons on the remote control. “Nope.” He muttered swerving round another corner and nearly toppling off balance on the sofa.  “Do you know where he might be?”I asked impatiently giving a sigh.
Ben’s car smashed into the side of a blue , with white racing stripes sending it off the road. “Haha YES!” He cried. “Ben....” I called.
“Try outside.”
“Thanks.” I said giving him a thumbs up while rolling my eyes.
“WOOOO!!” He yelled slamming his controller down and jumping up.  “Yeah!! HAH I beat your record Dan!”
I walked past the TV carefully stepping over the spaghetti field of black cords, over to the sliding door. “Why you looking for him anyway?” Asked Ben plonking back down on the couch. “...Because...” I trailed not even turning to look at him. “Ahh well good luck.” He said not really bothered and picking up his remote controller again. 

Outside, I scowered my gaze around, looking for Jace. I squinted into the sunlight, my hand up to my forehead as I tried to shield me eyes.  My eyes followed the tree line, and scoped across the grass. Not seeing any sign of him I decided to walk over to the cages/ ‘enclosures.  Grass swished past my ankles and under my feet as I crossed over to the other side of the ranch heading towards the separated smaller building which made the confinements of the enclosures.  As I approached I could still see no sign of Jace. The enclosures were empty, and the metal door to the inside rooms was locked.  I was about to head off inside and look for him there when I spotted the tin shed, and a figure laid out beneath a flash looking blue sports car wielding a spanner.  I took a deep breath and began making a beeline over to him, my head held high and my shoulders squared. A hundred meters away I saw his body stiffen , before he pushed himself out from under the car and slam the spanner down. The scowl on his face was prominent even from here. Jace stood and snatched up a rag from off a wooden bench top, whipping his hands.  “What do you want?” He growled glaring at me. 
I gritted my teeth. “Jace. I think I owe you an apology. “I said trying to keep my voice steady.  Jace narrowed his eyes waiting for more. I sighed crossing my arms over my chest. “That night I was... attacked. It wasn’t you.”
“Damn right it wasn’t!” He yelled chucking the rag down furiously , his muscles rippling angrily.  “I didn’t exactly SAY it was you. But even though I knew it wasn’t I didn’t defend you from their...assumptions.”
“ASSUMPTIONS! They BLAMED me. They ACCUSED me, there was no ‘guess’ no ‘assumptions’ they just straight away were like, ‘Hey? You know what Jace was with her, it was him. Jace tried to kill her!’.” He yelled taking a step towards me, his fists tightly clenched.
“It wasn’t like you weren’t going to beat the shit out me anyway!!” I snapped glaring at him.
Jace gave a low rumbled growl his teeth bared. I could feel myself wanting to take a step backwards nervously.
“You were asking for that shit anyway!!” He snapped.
“ Hey!” I yelled taking a step towards him. “I didn’t ask to beaten up, I didn’t ask to have my chest practically ripped open!”
Jace’s chest was rising and falling fast, his face furious as he glared at me, steam evaporating off his skin. 
“Look I’m sorry. Kale knows it wasn’t you, and I’m sure the other guys will know soon as well.” I said calmly.
I watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallowed the words that had been practically foaming at his mouth. We stood there in silence, seconds ticking by and neither of us lowering our gazes. “Fine.” He grumbled, his muscles relaxing in his shirt making him shrink slightly.
“…” I muttered trying to break the edge.
Jace turned is back on me and snatched up a tool from off the work bench , then disappeared under the car again.  Even from here above the clanging of the tools, I could hear his teeth grinding together as he held back from an outburst of anger which was still bubbling up inside him. I’m telling you Male shifters, I swear they all have anger issues. Well all apart from Mitch. He’s just too timid..shy… timid. Definitely timid.
“Nice car.” I said trying to pick up conversation.
My response was nothing more than a heavy bang from under the car.
“Is it yours?” I asked ignoring him and walking towards it.
There was no verbal response.
“You know what I don’t even know why I even bothered TRYING to make conversation with you.” I laughed turning away.
I froze after a couple of steps at the sound of Jace moving out from under the car.
“You can’t hide it you know.”
“What do you mean?” I asked swiveling round a tight feeling in my chest. No way. How does he….”
Jace grinned at me. It was a devious smile which grew with the glint in his eyes.
“The perfume . It doesn’t do anything to hide his scent.”
“Fuck.” I growled shaking my head slowly.
Jace laughed. 
“Stuff you!” I grumbled stomping off towards the ranch.

I made my way back to the ranch muttering low curses of annoyance under my breath. Ben was still engrossed in his racing car game, Dan had woken up and was now looking at me through sleepy half closed eyes. I smiled shrugging away my annoyance as I stepped inside. “Hey” Mumbled Dan with a small sleepy smile. “Hey” I said sitting down next to him. “ I heard he beat your score.” I grinned motioning to the Ben.
“Nahhhh.” Dan smiled giving a yawn. “He’s not that good.” He whispered.
I laughed.
“Hey! I actually did dip shit, only you were sleeping you lazy ass!” Cried Ben frowning in concentration.
“Woaaaah language Ben, it’s just a game.” I taunted.
Dan gave gasp putting on a shocked face. “Just.A.Game!!! No way man it’s THE game. You should verse me some time.”
“Hah. Me verse you, nahhh.” I said waving him off.
“Why not?”
“I wouldn’t want to embarrass you for getting beaten by a girl.” I smiled .
Ben let out a laugh.
“Hey I could beat your sorry ass any day!” Dan Grinned. “Why I could beat you with my eyes CLOSED.” He said crossing his arms across his lightly muscled chest.
“Oh yeah….!”
“Hey Kaela, Haley was looking for you earlier.” Interrupted James walking into the living room spinning a rugby ball in his hands.
“Excuse you for interrupting.”  I said giving him a look.
“Hah. You’ll probably find her in her room.” He said his eyes trailing off.
“Riiiighht. Well!” I cried slapping a hand down on Dan’s leg causing his eyes to widen. “ I’m going to verse YOU at ‘THE game’ later.” I said getting up off the couch.
“It’s a date!” Called Dan after me as I entered the hall.
HAH a date. Yeah right like that’s gonna happen. I haven’t been on single date in my LIFE.
I laughed to myself as I walked down the hall.
“Okay…Haley’s room…Haley’s room….” I pondered trying to remember which way.
“Oh… eh… Haley’s rooms that way.” Said Tim walking round the corner in front of me while fiddling with his bottom shirt buttons.
“Oh right thanks.” I smiled walking past him.  My hand trailed across the wall as I walked round the corner peeping into each bedroom as I went. Ehhhkk that ones GOT to be Tina’s. It was a bright cheerleader pink Everything. There was a pink bed spread, a pink fluffy floor rug and posters of male celebrities  carefully tacked to the baby pink coloured walls. The mere sight of it made me want to gag.
I rounded another corner passing a toilet, and a laundry room. There was another bedroom, it was a boy’s. By the scent it was Tim’s. The next room, which was on the corner, was closed. Looking down the next part of the hall , I saw that it then branched back to the main hall which lead straight to the living room again.  Approaching the door I gave a knock.
“Oh, Kaela is that you?” Came Haley’s high bubbly voice from inside and making me jump. How had she known it was me??
“Come in!”
 I twisted the handle and opened the door. My eyes widened and I instantly lowering my eyes as I stepped into the room and shutting the door quickly behind me. Haley was stepping into a pair of quarter length jeans while topless. 
Feeling awkward I kept my eyes low not daring to look out of the awkwardness. “I came looking..for you…earlier.” Said  Haley jumping up and down to pull the jeans up over her bum.  “ I wanted to talk to you about… where is that top!!?! “ She cried rustling about in her bed sheets. Spying a red top on the floor I bent down and picked it up. “Umm is this it?” I asked still not wanting to look.
“Oh there it is! Thanks.” She laughed taking it out of my hand.
“I wanted to talk to you about your school subjects. I’ve got the form on my desk somewhere…. If you just go have a look, it might be in the right hand draw.”  Quickly glancing round her room still avoiding looking at her till she was decent , I spied the desk.
“You might not get all the subjects you choose due to full classes but you’ll be able to get some of them at least.” Came Haley’s voice from across the room.
“Okay.” I say while opening the right hand draw in her desk.
Shuffling through some of the loose papers I took out a sheet of paper with a list of subjects with tick boxes. There were subjects like history, geography, sciences, English and math, the normal boring ones, but there were others such as dance, home class,  track, art and hard tech which caught my eye.
“You still go to school?” I ask still looking at the paper.
“Yes, I’m in my last year though before Uni. Exciting!” She cried coming up beside me.

“ Ben, Kale, James and Jace aren’t at the college anymore. They attend the university a couple of blocks down.”
“Oh yeah?”
Looking at the subject list I had already mentally picked a few. “How many subjects can I take?”
“You ‘can’ take eight, but most just take six.”

“Okay. Do you have a pen I could use?” I asked looking up from the paper, and feeling a little relieved to see that she was fully clothed.
“Oh , here.”  She said handing me  a blue ball point pen.
“Thanks. Okay…. I think I’m going to taaake….” I mutter leaning down on the desk. “ Dance, uhmmm English I suppose….., NOT maths I suck at maths, sport, home class, hmmm two more…. Mmm….any suggestions?”
“Ouh I know! Fabrics, that’s always fun,  there’s drama, health….”
“Lets pick Health. One more. Uhh Art! I could be artistic?” Haley gave me a strange look.
“Okay..maybe not…? Well, I don’t know!?Uh…Biology! That’ll be a laugh.” I grin ticking the last box.
“Oh and don’t forget about the extra.” Said Haley.
I gave her an exasperated look. “It’s just in case.” She assured.
“Gahh! Inie menie miny mo!” I Cried closing my eyes and picking a random subject. “Hard tech. That could be fun.” I say ticking the final box.
“There all done.” I say handing Haley the paper and the pen.
“Okay great!” She smiled taking them from me and flinging open a desk draw in search of an envelope.
“Hey..uhh.. Haley..?”
“Not to be weird or anything, but I couldn’t help but notice, that you’ve got a tattoo? It’s awesome!”  I say.
“Oh thanks!” She beamed glancing up at me. “You should see Tim’s! It’s beautiful.”
“Tim’s got one too?” I ask surprised. I hadn’t expected Tim to get a tattoo, he didn’t seem the type.
“Well duh!?” Laughed Haley. “Oh cause he’s got one!”  She said while sealing the envelope.
“What do you mean?” I ask confused.
Haley looked at me long and hard. “You don’t know do you?” She asked frowning at me.
“No…? Know what?”
“Well… Gee this is..well. When shifters, such as you and me, meet a male, and you feel really…connected to him, you share between each other certain privileges’…”  She said trailing on awkwardly.
“Haley get to the point.”
“Tim’s my mate Kaela.”
My eyes widened a bit. I knew they were boy friend and girlfriend, but I didn’t know there was the whole ‘mate’ thing.
“Well partner. But more, it’s not just the promise to be there for one another for the rest of your lives, it’s more. It’s…”
Haley struggled for the words. “More binding. It’s physical and mental… abstract… Like for example I can feel him from here. I can sense his presence I know how to find him, where he is without even seeing him.  The tattoo is just like a wedding ring, only it signifies your mate, partner. Mine signifies Tim. And once you’re bound, that’s it for life. I have heard there are ways that another can remove the binding by replacing the tattoo with his own, but it’s said to be really painful, for the other lover. So if, lets say for example I was to have know what with another male shifter, our bond would be broken, and our ‘tattoos’ burnt off. Tim would go through a lot of pain, and probably die, only the stronger survive, and I would get a new ‘tattoo’. ….. You getting this?”  She asked raising an eye brow giving an unsure look.
“ Um yeah.  I just find it a little weird that’s all. How long have…”
“Oh within the first month.” She said with a shrug.

“A month!?!” I cried. Only a month holy shit! That’s like getting married to a to a man you only met a month ago..thats insane!
“Yeah that’s what Tim said. But I wanted to wait, so we pushed it to a month. “She said easily.
 I wonder if that’s why nearly all the guys round here are so…pushy..? Or are they just simply impatient.   I shivered as I instantly thought of Kale.  That’s just a scary thought…

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