Chapter 22

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Picking furniture for my room was an incredibly tough decision. Well, I felt it was. After all you’ve got to make sure that the furniture you picking all goes well when put together. So far I’d picked out a walnut king sized bed frame, that came with two bed side cabinets, and a set of draws with a large mirror on top of it. Haley had also helped me pick out my lights and I know have a large almost disco like ball light that’ll hang down in the middle of my room, a purple lava lamp, along with small warm lights for the bath room and some beautiful scented candles.

Right now I was looking at bed spreads and cushions. Tim had gone off to arrange the bed and furniture to be put into the Titan (the big black four by four truck that Harry usually drives), and Haley had gone off to select some paints, and flooring because I was too chicken. I hadn’t a clue what would go best with what, and had a feeling that if it was left to me it’d be disastrous, so Haley had gone to go and decide for me. Judging from what Haley’s bedroom looked like, I felt pretty confident that she knew what she was doing. So I was stuck in a large warehouse like shop,  looking at different plastic packages with bedspreads in them. Kale was lazily leaning against the racks on the other side of the isle  with a trolley. Every so often he’d be helpful and reach up and grab whatever I couldn’t reach and occasionally pick one up that I might like. At the moment I was looking at a hot pink, white and black, and I was trying to consider where the it’d go with the stuff for my room.

“Reckon this’d go?” I asked chucking the packet to kale.

Kale looked carefully at the picture that showed what it was like and thought for a moment.

“Yeah, reckon it would.” He said while dropping it in the trolley.

“What do you think of this one?”  I asked chucking another at him.

It was a bedspread that had a tiger print on it.

Kale looked at me and laughed.

“Yeah, if you want it.”

I carried on searching through the white racked shelves of bedspreads. Every so often I’d find one that I really liked and then turn the packed over to see, ‘Single’ or ‘Queen’. Like now, I’d just found a white one with red roses on it and found that it was for a queen bed.

“Damn” I said putting it back in the rack.

As I continued searching I was aware of Kale beside me reaching up effortlessly to grab something on the top shelf.

“Here, what about this one?” He said passing me a package. It was gorgeous. The bedspread was a dark purple with small carefully embroided silver ivy crawling up round the corners. Then on the underside of the cover was a leopard print in sliver and a lighter purple.

“Oh my god it’s beautiful!” I cried happily.

“You like it?”

“Yeah I love it.” I smiled. “You think I’ve got enough bed spreads, I don’t think there’s going to be many more ones that I like.”

“Do you want to go and look at getting a sterio and some music, maybe a phone?” Asked Kale dragging a hand through his black hair.

“Ohhhh YES!”  I cried already heading back towards the entrance of the shop where all the music, games and electronics were.

I was nearly jogging when Kale began to catch up to me with the trolley making me jump. I turned round while I was making my brisk powerwalk/jog towards the electronics , and Kale grinned as he sped up behind me making it look like he was going to ram the trolley into me.

I screamed and began to run laughing at the thrill of being chased. Soon the trolley was so close it was nearly touching my bum and before I knew it I was perched at the end of the shopping trolley while Kale sped down the isles as I whooped with laughter. My fingers clenched round the metal of the trolley as Kale skidded round corners on two wheels nearly running into one of the shop assistants while he was at it. A few seconds later we reached the electronic area where Kale slowed the trolley, pushing it at a steady speed.

“I think the stereos are in the second isle down that way.” I pointed.

As Kale pushed the trolley round, I looked at the CDS on the shelf’s as we past them. A particular one caught my eye, and I reached out quickly to grab it. It was one of pinks albums ‘I’m Not Dead’, one of my favorites was U + Ur hand.

Half an hour later, Kale had found a nice stereo for me and I already had a handful of CDS that included Ke$ha , Jessie J, Muse, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Coldplay and the Burlesque soundtrack.

“What colour I-pod do yeh want?” Asked kale from over the CD rack, his head peeping over the top.


“Purple, right got it.” Said Kale cutting me off before I’d finished.

Kales POV

“That’s $400.” Said the boy at the counter putting the purple Ipod into a plastic bag.

I swipped my gold credit card and punched in the numbers, before looking up to take the bag. The boy was gazing at something behind me a lazy smile on his face. I took a quick glance over my shoulder to see Kaela listening into one of the sample headphones singing along to a song while swaying her head. Hormones rushed through my body at the very sight of her, as prickling warmth took over my body spiked with a possessive shot which I’d never experienced before in my life since I’d met her.  I listened as she sang the words of a Katy Perry song.

“Kiss me Ki-ki-kiss me, infect me with your love and fill me with your poison. Take me ta-ta-take me, wanna be your victim , ready for abduction!” She sang quietly.

I was glad that the counter boy couldn’t hear what she was singing without enhanced hearing, because I was sure it wouldn’t help his fantasizing. I turned and glared at him my knuckles clenched. The boy woke from his daze and handed me the receipt with shaky hands and sweat beaded on his forehead as he met my gaze.

Look at her again and I swear you’re going to have a black eye.

As I was turning to leave I noticed an advertisement for Androids newest phone on the back wall behind the counter boy.

“How much for one of those?” I asked pointing at the poster.


 “Kiss me Ki-ki-kiss me, infect me with your love and fill me with your poison. Take me ta-ta-take me, wanna be your victim , ready for abduction!” I sang listening to E.T by Katy Perry. When the song finished I put down the head phones and began to flick through the CDs on the nearest rack.

“Kaela, I got you the Ipod. Found this phone as well, thought you might like it.” He said showing me a box which had a picture of what looked to be an extremely expensive, but awesome, phone. “I’m just going to go check out the laptops, if you want one.”

“Please. Hey, can I go wonder or…”

Kale frowned . Oh come on! I’m not going to leave the fricken shop.

“Yeah. I won’t be too long anyway.” He said slowly. He’s probably going to purposefully rush now.

“Cool. I’ll just be over… there somewhere” I said randomly choosing which direction I was going to head in.

“Ok then.”

I turned to leave.

“And Kaela…”


“Don’t do anything, stupid.”

“Like what!?!” I cried exasperated.

Kale gave me a meaningful look with slightly raised eyebrows.

“Whatever” I said tossing him away with the flick of my hand.

As I walked I notice the counter boy for the electronics department. He had a rather nasty bruise upon his left eye. Wonder how he got that…?

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