Chapter 18

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Kale moved slowly whilst kissing me intensely and shifting his hold on me so that he had one hand around my middle and venturing upwards, and the other curved under my ass holding me up to him.  As we meandered down the hall we gradually got closer and closer to our bedrooms. Once he’d reached my door he hesitated in drunken thought  then realizing that my room was going to be empty stumbled towards his door instead.  My back was forced against Kales door as he clumsily searched for the door handle. I was still lost in his mouth beginning to feel dizzy as his demanding lips molded firmly on mine. Once Kale had opened his door he swung it open, the door banging loudly against the wall, and pushed his way through before slamming the door behind him.  Kale walked a few more steps forward before he slowly lifted his face away from mine. Even in the dark I could see the cat like glow of his turquoise hungry eyes. When shifters are feeling heated, or feeling strong emotions they’re eyes tend to reflect like cats, so in the darkness you can see them. I suspected mine were doing the same. Kale looked at me intently before he threw me.  I squealed as I flew through the blackened void of darkness landing on what must have been his bed. In less than a second Kale was on top of me, his body weight pressing me into the bed. Our gazes locked before our desire began to trickle out of control. I clasped his face in mine, kissing him hungrily, Kale’s hands slipping under my short top and beginning to hoist it over my head. Something inside of me gave a slight quiver of awareness and warning but my need crashed on top of it burying it back to where it had come from. After sliding my arms out of my top I then began to focus on getting Kale’s jeans off as Kale lit a hot sizzling trail of kisses from my jaw, slowly down my neck settling on my collar bone. I struggled to pull down Kales jeans but once I had to my surprise my shorts had already been removed and my panties half way down. Again the spark of awareness surfaced this time stronger and I tried to work out why and what I was trying to remember, but once again it was buried. Once Kales singlet was removed we were both relatively naked lust and desire driving us on a hot sparked frenzy. Kales body was sculpted like a god, it was smooth, powerful, compelling and mouthwateringly sexy. I gave a slight gasp as I felt his arousal from within and below, as his hungry mouth roamed my body. Then he began to tease. My eyes widened as pleasure spread like wild fire. The spark of warning lit again, but was drowned by Kale’s finger finding the small spot of bliss. Kales mouth kissed my neck hungrily as his finger slipped a little lower and began to slip into the imbetween. “Mine..!” He whispered possessively. Then all at one the spark of warning electrified my senses into a torch of recollection. My lust was extinguished  as a fiery rage swarmed up inside me. With a roar I pushed a  thunderstruck Kale off me and snatched up my panties before rolling myself off the bed. Then as quickly as I could I wriggled back into my panties before Kale came to his senses. As soon as my panties were on I leapt to my feet just before Kale’s strong hands gripped my shoulders, his eyes burning furiously as he attempted to reconcile me back onto the bed. “Kale get off me!” I snapped angrily. Kale growled angrily and threw me back onto the bed. As soon as Kale was on top of me I let it rip, my fist hitting him squarely in the face. He didn’t even flinch.

“Do that again and I’ll hit you back. Harder.” He threatened.

“Try that again. And I’ll show you hell.” I hissed.

Kale’s eyes bored down into mine with anger, and mine into his.

“Get off me.”

“I don’t think we’re quite finished here yet.”

Kale grabbed hold of my hands and forced them above my head, while slipping his other hand around my waist. “You will give in.” He whispered as he slowly trailed his fingers down my waist causing me to shiver.

Then I let my eyes soften, and Kale looked up. “And you darling Kale will Learn.” I whispered before lifting my leg up and kicking him as hard as I could in his groin. This did get to Kale and he let go of my hands his eyes wide with pain and shock. This is my chance. Seizing the opportunity I slapped him thrice, pushed him onto the bed, and kicked him once more for good measure. Oh and it was a jolly good thing that he was still partially drunk otherwise he’d have my hide.

I quickly searched round for my clothes, grabbed them and put them on as fast as I could and found my way to the door. I stood in the doorway for a second, and glared at Kale who’d managed to stand up and lean against the wall looking dizzy. “Fuck you!” I whispered before turning round and slamming the door shut behind me.

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