Chapter 19

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Once in the hall way I hesitate on direction. I’d been so busy making out with Kale that I hadn’t really been focusing on where I was going. With Jace’s room nearby I wanted to be careful in which direction I took. I strained my ears trying to pick up the sounds of people talking in the living room so I could find my way back, but the ranch was silent. “Shit.” I cursed under my breath. If I didn’t get a move on Kale would be at his bedroom door and would physically drag me back into his room if he got the chance. Choosing a random direction I began to feel my way down the hall, my head pounding and slightly dizzy from drinking. My hands passed door frame after door frame, my eyes had just about adjusted to the darkness and I was able to work out the shapes of other bedroom doors, and a large room two meters away which looked like it could be the living room. Making my way closer, to the entrance to the room, I could make out the shape of the bar counter and one of the large couches. Underneath my foot a floor board creaked loudly, and I cringed. I didn’t want to be waking up anyone at this time of night, especially in my vulnerable semi drunken state. The living room was empty, and as soon as I reached the couch I collapsed with exhaustion my head spinning dizzily. I shut my eyes on the verge of sleep which my body was already welcoming. I felt extremely uncomfortable sleeping on the couch, in the dark, in an unfamiliar place.

I was extremely tempted to go and knock on Haley’s door and ask if I could sleep in her room, or even just lock myself in the bathroom for the night just so I knew that no one could jump me in the middle of the night, but my eye lids were heavy and sleep came sending my mind into a peaceful blankness.

“It’s hard to believe that someone so sweet looking can be such a little ….”

“Fucckk off….” I mumbled sleepily rolling over on the couch. Once I’d rolled over I instantly regretted it as I felt numerous pairs of eyes all settling on my ass.

“Not a bad view that way either.” Chortled Ryan.

I growled my hand clenching hold of a cushion corner and preparing to chuck it at who ever dared speak next.

“Wakey wakey princess!” Chuckled Brody slapping my ass as he walked by.

I lifted the cushion and threw it as hard as I could in the direction of Brody’s voice.

“Hahah!” Laughed Brody as the cushion hit him. “Someone’s grumpy this morning!” He teased walking back towards the couch. I gave another grumble pulling out another cushion but this time placing it on top of my head trying to block out the noise of the boys laughing. “Ow come on Princess time to get uuuup!” Came James’s voice right near my ear making me jump. I gave another mumble as I rolled over again wishing that he’d just leave me alone.

“Aww is Princess grumpy at me cos of what I said. Don’t worry I was only joking.” He said slapping my ass again. Alright that’s it. I sprung up furiously and grabbed a cushion and began hitting Brody as hard as I could. Brody only laughed and picked up his own cushion and began attacking me.

“PILLOW FIGHHT!!” Cried Dan springing into action and hitting Ben on the head.

Soon the whole living room was in up roar as cushions were flung in all directions me in the center of it. I was now fully awake and couldn’t help but laugh as I got pumbled with cushions from all angles. Ryan had picked up one of the massive cushions from the base of the couch and began using it as a shield as Dan and Ben attacked him. I was behind Ryan trying to stay shielded as well as Brody, James, Mitchell and Caleb came after me. Then I’m not all to sure how it happened, but someone must have pushed Dan or Ben, and then they fell onto Ryan and Ryan fell on top of me, and we were all on the floor in a massive heap all laughing hysterically.

“What the fuck are you all doing?!?” Came a gruff moody voice from the doorway.

One by one the boys stood up the laughing quietened. Ryan pulled me up from off the floor and I was then met by Kale’s murderous glare. Without a word he stalked off into the kitchen to make his breakfast slamming the cupboards noisily. The boys fell silent, took one look at me and then at a grumpy looking Kale in the kitchen. Ryan grinned, and the other boys bit their tongues some cracking a grin at the prospect of what must have happened last night. Others raised their eye brows took another look at Kale and began quickly putting the cushions back in place before straying from the room as quickly as they could, not wanting to be anywhere near Kale.

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