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Edited; 1/09/2017

When they'd all disappeared I headed inside to my room and flung myself onto the bed. The shitty mattress was so thin and as I rolled over the bed squeaked and groaned. Lying on my back I glare furiously at the ceiling as rage boiled beneath my skin. How had this happened? I had let myself be caught and now I was stuck here like an animal at the circus. My fist flys and I bite back a scream as my knuckles bleed into the crumble of the cement wall. 

I lie on the bed for an hour drilling over the possibilities of me escaping this prison alive. Why had they brought me here? My eye lids are slowly drifting lower as they grow heavy with sleep. As my eyes closed for a few seconds I jerk awake my heart pounding, I couldn't sleep, they might come back. I turn my head and look at the open door into the bathroom. Dirt and dust were coated over my skin with a heavy layer of sweat. I couldn't remember the last time I'd had a shower, and I knew I was beginning to smell. With a groan I summoned the strength to haul my ass up and stagger off the bed; my muscles are already tight and sore.  Shower here I come.

The bathroom was plain and simple, and it was the first time in over a year that I had stepped into one. So in my eyes, plain and simple was a luxury. The floor was not tiled, it was concrete like the rest of the cell, but the walls which were a strange shade dingy grey looked like they once may have actually been white. It had a small open shower stall with a rusty drain, a metal toilet in the corner, a sink, and two brown cupboards. Shutting the bathroom door closed, I began to peel off my dirty clothes which clung to my like another layer of skin. They stank. Disgusted I threw them into the corner and then hopped into the shower

Cold water washed over my skin and I closed my eyes lifting my face to the shower faucet. I rubbed my hands over my face and over my hair, it was a tangled mess which I dreaded having to tackle. The water took a while but it eventually warmed from cold to luke warm and a smile broke on my lips. All those months of wading into rivers, crouching into streams and washing with water a warm as mother nature made it. This was a luxury, there was no stinging cold bite which chilled my bones. When I found two small bottles, one of conditioner and the other shampoo I couldn't open them fast enough, eagerly flipping up the cap of the shampoo bottle. Taking a sniff I then groaned, it smelt of coconut and butter milk.

Before I'd left I had packed a small back of toiletries and necessities, in which I did have soap and shampoo, but they'd run out so fast. I marvelled at the smell of the shampoo and the conditioner it was that clean smell, one that I hadn't smelt in one heck of a long time!

I washed as clean as I could get, and combed through my tangled hair with my fingers removing knot after knot. There was a lot of hair at the bottom of the shower when I'd finished but I simply washed it down the plug without really thinking of the possible consequences that could occur later on depending on how long I was staying in this room.

Once out of the shower I looked into one of the cupboards searching for a towel while desperately trying to fight off the goose bumps which had begun crawling up my legs. I eventually found one, along with a tooth brush, tooth paste, a dry flannel and another bar of soap. Yesssss!!!

I wrapped the rough towel around my body, it was a bit small and only just covered the important bits. After brushing my teeth I grab my disgusting clothes and drop them into the sink. I scrub and scrub tackling each item with the soap and several rinses of water.  After squeezing off the excess water I walk over to the bathroom door and slowly press my ear against it. My ears strain as I wait listening for even the slightest of noises. When I eventually convince myself that there is no one out there, I yank the door open and hiss dropping my damp clothes to the floor. 

On my bed a guy is lying on his back with his head in his hands and a smirk on his lips. 

"Well, you finally decided to join me. I must say you're much prettier closer up, and you look even better now that you've showered. Don't take it too personally but you stank." He said smirking all the while. His green eyes sparkle with mischief as he eased himself up to sitting and looks me up and down.

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