Government Internships

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"Class E transfers, you guys have a guest." Aizawa guided the five students to a room next to the teacher's lounge. Inside, they saw an old man sitting down on a couch next to a small table, and another couch facing it. There seemed to be snacks and drinks on the table, and the walls were a warm yellow.

"Please take a seat, students." The old man instructed, and the five students did.

Karasuma entered the room, and closed the door. "Students, this is Mr. Daisuke Hansa, a high ranking government official. You may address him as Mr. Hansa."

"Nah, I'm just going to call him old geezer. Anyways, whatcha here for?" Karma had a bored tone.

"Karma...." Nagisa began, but then shook his head.

"Don't worry, I won't waste your time. I'll make it brief. I want you guys to take your internships at the government base." Mr. Hansa said.

Class E was shocked, and wanted to say something, but they let him continue. "We would bring in some Class A students, but we're not to meddle into their things. You guys, however, were introduced through us, which means we can make you this offer."

The five looked thoughtful. "What's in it for the internship?" Itona asked. 

"Karasuma, do the honors." 

"Yes, Mr. Hansa. The internship will train you guys in more combat techniques, along with better usage of your quirk. In addition, we will also provide government information on Korosensei."

"Now that's a good offer." Rio glanced at her friends, and they were all thinking the same thing. They would get the same experiences as the others in their hero internships, and they would get information. It was better than the hero internships.

Together, they agreed. 

"Alright. Internships will begin the same time as the hero internships, which will be a few days from now. I will inform the principal." With a calm smile, he left the room. 

When they headed back to the classroom, everyone seemed to have decided who they wanted.

"Oh you're back! Did you guys decide yet?" Deku asked.

"Yeah....I guess?" Nagisa answered.

"What kind of expression is that Nagisa?"

"It's nothing Kaminari-"

"Something you're not telling us?" 


"Stop pressuring them! Hero training begins in ten minutes! We must get changed into our P.E. uniforms!" Iida yelled, and the entire class groaned in response.


When the day of the internships came,  a black bus came to the campus to pick up the five students. Class A was in awe.

"Woah, that's your transport?"

"You're all going together?"

"That's so cool!" 

All the students went their separate ways, promising to text each other about how things were going. After a five hour drive, the small group of assassins-in-training arrived at the military base, which they were guided inside.

" looks so futuristic!" Ritsu admired from Nagisa's phone.

"I forgot you existed." Itona said bluntly.

Karasuma shook his head at the antics of the students, and led them to a large room. He started showing them a map and giving them directions.

"This will be your training lobby. You guys will meet here every morning at 9:00 am. I will guide you all to whatever we'll be doing. Over there is the cafeteria. If you run into any in-training people here, treat them with respect." 

After all the briefing and stuff that wasn't so important, they were allowed to explore the area themselves.

"Why is this place so big? The size is as unneeded as the customary measuring system the U.S. has." Itona grumbled.

"Chill out with the insults!" Kayano spun around.

"If you have a problem with me, write the problem on a piece of paper, fold it, and shove it up your ***." Itona blatantly said.

"ITONA I'M GOING TO BUST A LUNG  STOP IT!" Rio looked like she was about to collapse from laughing so hard. Kayano, on the other hand, looked insulted.

"Why do I have to deal with this?" Nagisa deadpanned.

"Because you're the most mature one around, makes sense."

"Karma, really?"

"Well, the most mature one is actually this person standing right here. Look, it's as existent as Kayano's chest!" Karma snickered, and Kayano was fuming.

The five of them were pretty much in chaos at this point, and even Nagisa couldn't escape it. However, a squad approached them in uniforms with unpleased looks on their faces.

"Hey, listen here you kids. I don't know how you got here, or what your business is, but you're bothering us." A tall, slightly tanned man said. His badge had the name "Oto Tadori".

"We're really sorry about that. We'll be on are way now." Nagisa replied, bowing. 

"Just how are we bothering you? This is an open area. There isn't any sign or anything that says we have to be quiet or something. This isn't a library." Karma said.

"Well, you kids aren't even supposed to be here in the first place." Another one replied, and his badge had the name "Azamo Yuka". 

"Actually we are, and you have your entire life to be annoying, so why don't you take a break now?" Karma shot back.

Itona pulled out his phone and wrote down what Karma said, and the others mentally facepalmed. Suddenly, one of the men snatched it out of his hand.

"Show your superiors some respect., lowlife children." He said.

"Remember that time you were saying that thing I didn't give a crap about? Yeah, that is now." Rio snickered. 

Nagisa would stop his friends, but the aura's and the words of those squad members were ticking him off. It was clear that the tension was not going to lighten. 

"Come at us if you've got the guts. Don't insult us. We're much stronger than you think." He said.

Then one of the men shot something like a blast, and Nagisa was thrown back. Luckily, he was quick enough to activate his quirk, so he didn't suffer any major damage.

"My quirk is Recoil. I can shoot a blast of energy at you, but if it misses, I'll suffer a tenth of the damage." Oto explained.

Nagisa winced at the pain in his leg, and the rest quickly jumped back. Karasuma did tell them that they weren't allowed to fight unless permitted to. 

"Hey, do the rules permit the bullying of high schoolers? Because that is low." Kayano yelled at the squad.

"We're not bullying you. We're putting you in your places. This is a government military facility, and you guys aren't supposed to be here. If you were, we would've been informed." Oto yelled back.

"Rule number 28. If another trainee, resident, or worker here as attacked you by force and is not willing to back down, self defense is allowed." Ritsu dinged from Nagisa's phone. 

That was the end of the line for Class E. The five of them positioned themselves in a fighting stance, earning a mock from the squad for trying to act tough. Itona, who'd already snapped, was the first to go.

He flicked his hands and strings appeared. Another twist of his hands and they'd already cut through a man. Karma followed up, landing a punch on another member. Barely a second after, Nagisa threw a stun gun at them before giving them a good kick.

"So you're good at combat too? Interesting." Oto yelled, earning a punch right to the face by none other than Karma.

"First, let's fix up that clown makeup of yours, shall we?"

"Itona stop recording what Karma says down!" Rio barked. 

"What the hell do you think you guys are doing." A dark voice said behind them, and everyone spun around.


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