Chapter 5

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You watched as Tanjiro continued to write in his journal. Nezuko was still asleep, making you and Tanjiro worried. You just met them a few days ago and you four immediately became quick friends.

Tanjiro told you about how he met a man named Tomioka Giyuu who sent him to find Urokodaki to become a demon slayer. You told him your story and how Urokodaki found you. It seems that you and Tanjiro have the same goal: to find a cure to turn your loved ones back to human.

"Let's go." Urokodaki said as you covered a sleeping Douma with a blanket. "How is she?" you asked Tanjiro. "She's still sleeping peacefully. I'm worried, she hasn't waken up at all." Tanjiro informed. "Maybe she's just trying to regain her energy from sleeping. Douma is also doing the same as her." you reassured as you placed your hand on Tanjiro's shoulder. "Yeah, I hope so." He replied.

"The Demon Slayer Corps has around several hundred members. It's an organization unrecognized by the government. Yet it's existed since ancient times, and we continue to hunt demons today. But as for who's leading the Demon Slayer Corps that remains a mystery.

Demons. Staple food......Humans. They kill humans and feed on them. No one knows when and where they first appeared. Their physical prowess is remarkable. Wounds heal in the blink of an eye. Flesh is restored after being hacked off and limbs can be newly regenerated. Some demons can shape shift. Others have otherworldly powers. They can only be killed by sunlight or by decapitation with a special sword.

The Demon Slayers battle the demons with their own mortal bodies. Since they're human, their wounds are slow to heal, and, once lost, their limbs don't grow back! Even so, they battle the demons........

To protect other humans."

You and Tanjiro again ran down the mountain, avoiding all the traps you can avoid. You both remembered what Urokodaki told you earlier. "I am a trainer. I literally train swordsmen. There are many trainers, and each of them trains their pupils with their own regimen in their location." Urokodaki said, you and Tanjiro paying close attention.

"To join the Demon Slayer Corps, you must survive the Final Selection process held on Mt. Fujikasane. Whether or not you're eligible for Final Selection is up to me." Urokodaki finished.
"(Y/N)-san, let's train our hardest so we won't die on the Final Selection." Tanjiro exclaimed as he avoided an incoming log. "Let's give it all we've got." you replied as you jumped over a rope.

'After repeatedly descending down the mountain, day after day, I'm starting to learn more about avoiding most of the traps. My sense of sight became more enhanced as I can clearly see the traps around me.' you thought as you and Tanjiro tripped on a rope. You saw incoming knives heading towards you two as you shouted, "Get down!". Tanjiro's eyes widened as you looked terrified when the knives embedded itselves at a tree a few inches away from your faces.

'Even so, the traps are getting more and more difficult.' you thought as you grabbed Tanjiro's haori and stopping him from falling into a pitfall full of knives. "He really wants to kill us!" Tanjiro exclaimed as you pulled him up.


Douma was asleep with his head on your lap and his arms were wrapped around your waist. You gently caressed his face and played with his blonde locks making him hum in satisfaction. You and Tanjiro were in the same room where Nezuko and Douma resides in. Tanjiro was writing things down at his journal while you played with Douma's hair.

"You must really love Douma-san a lot huh?" Tanjiro blurted out as you blushed heavily at his statement. "W-w-what do you mean?" you stammered as Tanjiro looked at you and pointed at his nose. "I can smell what a person feels. I smelt adoration, happiness, and peace coming from you (Y/N)-san." Tanjiro exclaimed as your blush spread through your ears. "You should confess your feelings to him (Y/N)-san. I'm sure he feels the same way." He added.

"I'm not sure Tanjiro-kun. Douma-kun is still new at expressing his feelings. He just thinks of me as his best friend, that's the reason why he acts like this." you said. Tanjiro now smells your sadness and rejection as he gave you a sad smile.

'If only you knew (Y/N)-san.' Tanjiro thought as he looked at the last page of his journal. On that page was a doodle of you and Douma with a heart on top of your heads. Earlier you were still training outside while Tanjiro was fixing his futon, he saw Douma asking permission to write something in his journal. Tanjiro agreed of course. Douma scribbled something and showed it to Tanjiro to which the boy immediately understood his feelings for you as he smelled happiness and love coming from him.

'If only you knew.'

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