Forever Yours

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We did it!! Welcome to the final chapter of Back to You!

I loved writing this story for you guys! The Internation story isn't done yet though.

We still have The Quiet Girl!!

As well as a spin-off which you can learn more about at the end!

Thank you so much for reading this story and for all your comments.

It's been fun writing this, and I hope you enjoy the ending!

January 2040

Jenni's POV:

"Babe!" I yelled upstairs. 


"Come down here please!" 

I looked at my son. "You gave me no choice." I crossed my arms. 

Alexia came downstairs. "What?" 

"Tell your mother." I looked at Maxi. "Tell her what you did today." 

"I don't see what the big deal is." He sighed.

"What did he do?" Alexia looked at me. 

"He skipped school." 

"You did what?"

He looked at me. "I thought you were the cool parent."

"I am. But school is important ok?"

"Gabriel isn't in school. Dario isn't in school. Luna isn't in school."

"Luna is 22 years old, she's in college. Dario finished high school and is now a professional football player and Gabriel went to school the entire time he was in Sporting's academy. Rethink your argument please." Alexia said.

"Ohhh. Max is in trouble." Enzo went to the kitchen.

"Go do your homework." I turned to him.

"I finished it." He smiled proudly. "Because I'm the good son."

I covered my face.

Alexia sighed and looked at Enzo. "Good job. I'll come check it when I'm done with your brother." She turned back to Maxi. "You, are on thin ice. You got caught cheating, now you're skipping school?" He stared at her. "Let's sit down. Let's talk this out. Because something is making you act like this. And we're going to figure it out." 

She sat at the kitchen table. He didn't move. "Maximiliano Cruz I'm not kidding. Sit down. We are talking about this." He rolled his eyes and sat down. "Lose the attitude. I'm not trying to be your enemy here. I want to know what's going on. Talk to me." 

He stared at her. "Maxi, we're you're parents. You've always been able to talk to us." I kneeled in front of him. "What's going on?" He looked away from me. "Hey." I put my hand on the side of his face. "It's ok." I whispered. "Just talk to me."

He looked at me. "This kid in my class said I'm stupid and not important. He said that I'll never be as good as my parents." He looked down as tears rolled down his cheeks. "That I'm worthless."

"I'm not going to kick a kid's ass. I'm not going to kick a kid's ass." Alexia mumbled.

"Babe." I hit her leg. "Maxi, you know he's wrong, right? You'll never be like us, want to know why?" He looked at me. "Because you're going to be better. You are so smart. And so important. We all love you so much ok?" He nodded. "Alright." I kissed the top of his head. "There are going to be people in this world, no matter how old you are. They're going to do everything to try and tear you down."

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