Take It Easy

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Jenni's POV:

After the procedure, my arm was put in a cast and I going to go home to Madrid. 

"Can I make a stop first?" I asked Lola.


We stopped at Alexia's and I got out. "I'll only be a few minutes."

I got to the front door and knocked on it. It opened and her sister stood there. "Jenni." She sighed. "What are you doing here?"

"Where's Alexia?"

"You just missed her." I looked up. "Why?"

"Because I really want to talk to her. But I want to do it in person."

"You've thought about this haven't you?"

"For over a year. When she comes home just tell her that," I sighed. "Tell her that I'm sorry. That I shouldn't have left without telling her. Without seeing her. I've made some mistakes but leaving without talking to her?"

Alexia's POV:

"That was the biggest one. The one I'll regret forever." I heard Jenni. 


"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?"

"Looks like you're gonna hurt yourself." I laughed. 

"I won't. Because," I grabbed her hand before she fell. She was right in front of my face."You'll always catch me."

I shook my head. "You're crazy."

"You bring it out of me." She said. I caught her look down. 

"Jenni." I whispered.

"You're beautiful." She put her hand on my face. "Your eyes. Everything." I grabbed her hand. "Alexia please tell me you feel it too."

"You know I do but,"

"But nothing. We have one life. Why should we not live it the way we want? With WHO we want."

"The team." 

"Already think we're together. Why try to stop this? Alexia. Just be with me. I'm not asking for forever. But at least give me right now." 

"Anything else?" Alba asked.

"I should've asked for forever. But at least I got the time I did." I covered my mouth as I heard her say goodbye. I looked out the window and saw Lola's car drive away.  

My sister closed the door and looked at me. "Come here." 

Jenni's POV:

May 2019

"It's healing nicely." My doctor said. "How does it feel?"

"Sore but compared to what it was? I feel a lot better. I started very light training. Just keeping my legs moving."

He nodded. "Look. Recovery is about 8-12 weeks. We're about 3 weeks in. Give it some more time." 

"The roster is coming out soon. I need to be on it. I have to go to France."

He sighed. "Let me talk to the coach."

"I'm not a goalkeeper. My feet are fine! We put bubble wrap on my arm and send me to France!"

He laughed. "Jenni. You broke your arm. Any type of contact can further damage it."

"I'll be extra careful. Please. It's the World Cup. I'm not getting any younger. It feels fine!"

"I'll talk to your coach. See me next week ok?" I nodded. 

Alexia's POV:

"Jorge Vilda has his World Cup squad finalized today. Only 22 players listed though. Many believe he is expected to add Jenni Hermoso in the next few days. Jenni did suffer a broken arm in the Champions League semifinal against Barcelona."

I looked at Marta. "Is he really going to add her?"

"Isn't it time you too get over this whole thing?"

"I'm not talking about that. She broke her arm! She could make it worse!"

"I talked to her." Lola walked over. "She said the doctor has been talking with the coaching staff. They're trying to work out some type of plan that would let Jenni play. She's been training very lightly. She told me that the doctors said the broken arm could've been a lot worse than it was. She got lucky."

"Where is she?"

"Still in Madrid. Where are you going?"

"To Madrid." I left.

"Alexia! You can't just go to Madrid!"

"Who's going to stop me?"

"Alone. You can't just go to Madrid alone." Lola followed me. "Let me finish next time."

"I gotta see this." Virginia followed us. 

Jenni's POV

"Well?" I answered the call from the doctor. 

"They're playing a game against Canada before leaving for France. Your coach said if you can play a little in that without any incidents he'll consider it. Go join the team. Please, Jenni. Take it easy."

"I will." I smiled. "Thank you." 

There was a knock on my door. I got up and answered it.


"You can't come to France."

"Wow." I laughed.

"Not because of me. Because of that." She looked at my arm. "You can't risk it."

"I'll be careful."

"I know you will. Other players might not be as careful."

"Then I guess you'll just have to keep them off my back." I walked toward her. "Won't you?"

She looked away. "I always have to take care of you, don't I?"

"No one else knows me the way you do."

She nodded. "What about your girlfriend?" I closed my eyes and looked down. "Yeah. Why don't you have her take care of you? I just know she'll get you back on the field in no time." She backed away.

"Alexia." I sighed.

"Don't come to France. I know how much you love leaving but try to stay home this one time." She walked away. 

I shook my head. "I'll see you soon!" 

Real soon.

Who wants the World Cup to be the same as it was just with Jenni/Alexia drama and Jenni's healing arm? 

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