The Desert Fox and the Rat of steel:

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"So, 'Kommandant'-"

"Willy...Please don't call me that."

"-we've repaired most if not all of our tanks, we should be ready to get back home, right?" gritted Willy Nathans.

"Ugh..." Faber rubbed his face with a gloved hand. "This is why I don't like you Americans. So annoying..." he grumbled to himself.

"Right back atcha, I don't like how pessimistic you treat me and the rest of my men, you jerries. Anyways, what else is on our agenda?" Willy asked.

Faber looked over to where he and his men had concealed their main tank. "Well we've repaired the Landkreuzer for the most part, just need to fix the last of the engines and reading equipment but well..."

"Yeah? What is it? Gotta fix your fancy machine?" piped up Owen, who had been laying down on his back, fiddling with his rifle.

"Exactly. The Wundermotor completely fried itself. Luckily, we don't have to replace anything, but whatever it is that the Wundermotor runs on is completely gone now, and I can only hope that it recharges itself at some point. So until then we're stuck in this world."

"Oh for Christ's sake." Willy jumped up, stretching high into the air, right before collapsing back down onto the log that he had been sitting on, right across from Faber who was sitting atop a Tiger 1, on the turret. Willy suddenly sprung back up, a look of utmost confusion on his face. "Wait, what do you mean by, 'whatever it is that the Wundermotor runs on'?"

From within the Tiger popped out Otto, from a hatch that had been customly fit onto the tank. "That's the thing. We were given the Wundermotor, but after a few weeks we realized something was wrong because we never put fuel into it. Yet it continued running, and when I examined it, I couldn't see any sort of place to put in fuel. No gasoline, no electricity."

Owen sat up rigid. "So you're saying..."

"Ja. Somehow the Wundermotor creates its own energy, and based on what we've used it for, enhances the power of other machines. It's paradoxical in that the Wundermotor itself is an engine, so it's some sort of engine-generator hybrid. I tried asking what it runs on, but I never got an answer back."

"Oh bloody hell...So we can only wait!?" The only response Owen got back was a nod of unfortunate acceptance, acceptance that it was all they could do, to wait, from the Germans.

"That must be them." whispered the Gunner of the Hippo Team, Saemonza. The rest of her team were all crouched down or lying behind bushes, spying on the foreigners, who were foreigners in more ways than just ethnicity. Saemonza turned to her right and asked her captain, "Who do you think the guy named Eisenherz is?"

Erwin gazed over the men. Others were beginning to trail into the clearing, some of them clad in German uniforms while the rest wore uniforms of the Red Army, all with brown or black Ushankas. They all stood around, except for one tall one, who sat down near the bushes, right where the Hippo team was hiding. Luckily, he seemed to be somewhat deaf as he didn't hear Erwin whisper to Saemonza, "The Eisenherz guy, huh...I think he's the guy in the officer's uniform. I mean it makes sense, the name means 'Iron Heart'"

"I didn't know you knew German, Erwin." Oryou, driver of Hippo Team said in surprise.

"Eh, I just picked it up reading about Rommel and the War, y'know?" replied Erwin with an almost cocky smile. A cocky smile that was immediately replaced by despair when a hand suddenly dove through the bushes and dragged her out into the clearing. Her face frozen in fear and shock, all Erwin could do was say nothing whilst several Russians, Germans, and Owen, Willy, and Faber stared at her, before the one who dragged her out said in English with a heavy Russian accent said,

Girls und Panzer and the WundermotorWhere stories live. Discover now