Three American Tankers:

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As the three girls from Saunders High walked down the street towards Ooarai, Alisa kept glancing around nervously. "Kay," she said in a whisper. "Are you sure this is a good idea? They might recognize us."

"It'll be alright, we're here for a bit of reconnaissance, nothing more."

"Yeah, but this is about, 'them', this is a lot more serious than just reconnaissance!"

"Shhhh." Naomi placed a finger on Alisa's mouth before she could end up shouting. "As long as we don't get seen, they won't know about what we're doing now, won't they?"

"Exactly!" Kay turned the corner, and Ooarai came into view. "Alright, we're at Ooarai. All we gotta do now is get around to where they keep their tanks, we're checking there first."

As the three girls were about half-way to the Ooarai tank hanger, a voice cut out. "Hey!" The girl pulled the three around, and Sodoko demanded, "No chewing gum during school hours! Spit it out!"

"Alright." and Naomi spat out her gum into a nearby trash can with pinpoint accuracy.

"Well, I have to check the school grounds for rule breakers, so good day!" Sodoko walked off, allowing Alisa and Kay one massive sigh each.

"Your right, Alisa, let's not get spotted." A few more minutes of walking, and they were at their destination. Alisa pulled out her listening device, and pulled something that resembled a piece of tape out from it. The 3 looked around the wall, and saw the Tigers, Panthers, King Tiger II, and several of Faber's men sitting around with Willy and the others who were fixing the tanks for Ooarai, talking with the girls from Ooarai. Faber himself was nowhere to be seen. Alisa crumbled up the tape, and handed it over to Naomi, who tossed it over to the group, where it landed on the ground unnoticed. Flicking a switch and adjusting a few knobs, voices began to be recorded to the three spies.

"Thank God, we're almost done with the last of your tanks." Willy took a swig of juice from a bottle.

"Hm" Miho looked around the group, and at Faber, who had left the hangar. "It was fun, having that match with you guys. Your tactics were great too!"

"Hah, thanks. So what were we talking about? Those other schools?"

"Yeah we were, Faber. Me and my siblings were speculating what kind of tanks that Saunders school would have. According to Nishizumi, regulations for this big anniversary thing they have upcoming will be different, so who knows what kind of tanks they'll have? Anyways, Yukari said that they have a crap ton of Shermans, which I'm not surprised about. It's a fine tank."

"A fine tank indeed." Alisa muttered to herself."

"Anyways, if I remember correctly, the M10 TD is pretty powerful, it's got a gun that can punch through enemy tanks pretty well. Too bad it's armor is horrific. Besides that, maybe some M26 Pershings? Who knows, they might also have a Super Pershing."

"A Super Pershing? I've gotta write that down." And Kay did. Before long, the three Saunders girls moved on and into the forest. "Well, here we are, their place of hiding! Man it feels like I'm in a Hollywood Sci-fi or something!"

"Not sure if you should put it like that, the last thing I'd want is a jerry filling us with lead. Ah screw it, let's hurry up and get this over with." The 3 girls, still wearing the Ooarai uniform, stumbled into the forest, walking down the main path until they found two openings in the thick underbrush that was cleaved open. Kay said eagerly to go left, and after some pushing through, they found themselves in a clearing with eight tanks. Eight, very large tanks. "Wh-what the heck are these!?" Alisa moved forwards to the tanks, and she saw a piece of stamped metal on the side that read, "UHLS".

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