A Haircut:

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The next day, an odd trio could be seen walking down the streets of the Zuikaku. Two Japanese girls, both of whom were wearing their school's respective uniforms, and one German boy, who wore an M43 Cap over his "in the process of getting too long" chestnut brown hair. This trio, of course, was Yukari, Peter, and for some reason, Koume. "Come on, just a bit more!" Yukari chirped as she rushed ahead.

"Y-yeah, wait up!" Peter and Koume pleaded as they followed after the hyper ball of fluffy hair. Yukari began to rush off again, only to run into a trio of men, knocking herself over.

"Owie...Oh, it's you three! I haven't seen you guys in a while!" Yukari exclaimed with a little pointed finger.

The trio of men she had run into was none other than Ralph, Clemens, and Eric, all of whom were wearing their Kriegsmarine uniforms. "[Hallo, Akiyama.]" Eric cracked a wide grin, waving with one of his muscled arms. "Fine day to be on the sea, eh? Oh hey, is that...Peter?" Eric raised his eyebrow, still grinning, although this time with a bit of mischief in mind. "Whatcha doing with these ladies? Out on a date?"

Peter blushed furiously as he angrily spat out, "I AM NOT! I'm getting a haircut, remember!? And where the hell have you three been, we haven't seen you guys in like...weeks!"

Eric grinned, his slightly yellow teeth showing off nicely. "Ah, we've been hanging out with some of the girls below deck."

Peter looked at the trio dubiously. "You're not getting yourselves into something crazy, are you? You know that Faber wouldn't be happy if you are."

Eric laughed aloud, probably loud enough to be considered a public disturbance. "Of course we're not! Right, Clemens?"

"Y-yeah, totally..." Clemens blushed, betraying to the three teenagers that the Kriegsmarine trio was definitely getting themselves into some form of trouble.

"Welp, we're off! [Auf wiedersehen!]" The trio marched off, loudly singing something that sounded like, "[Kapitän, Leutenant, Fähnerich, Sergeant, nimm das Mädel...]" before they got too far away to hear clearly.

"Huh...Well those three have nice voices." Yukari waved at Koume and Peter with a strong arm. "Come on, we're almost there!"

"Here we are! The Akiyama Barber Shop!" Yukari announced with pride as the trio arrived at the named salon.

That's...a pretty generic name. Peter thought. He and Koume followed Yukari into her family's salon, a bell ringing over the doorway as the glass door was pushed open. Inside the shop were two people. A woman with brown, fluffy hair, and a man with glasses and curly black hair.

"Welcome!" The woman said warmly as they walked into the hair salon. "Oh? Who're these two, Yukari?"

Yukari smiled. "They're my friends. This guy is Peter-" Yukari pointed to Peter, who was standing in the doorway, taking off his M43 Cap and handing it to Koume for safe keeping. "And this is Koume Akaboshi! Peter said he needs to get a trim, so I thought I'd bring him here!"

The man suddenly jumped up. "T-thank you for being Yukari's friends!" he said loudly with a bow.

"Cut that out dear...I'm Yukari's mother, Yoshiko." Yoshiko introduced herself.

It took Peter a solid 3-5 seconds to realize that Yoshiko was waiting for Peter to introduce himself. "[Ah, shoot! Uhm], I'm Peter Möller. Nice to meet you."

"Möller? Isn't that a bit...?"

Peter turned to look at the man. Is that Yukari's father? "Well, yeah. I'm a Panzerfahren student from Germany. It's nice to meet you." Peter glanced over at Yoshiko, just in time to see her look away and turn her attention to Koume. Wait a second, was she staring at me?

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