Nothing goes wrong for Peter:

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Peter laid on his stomach, peering through a pair of binoculars. Concealed behind a number of bushes in a small grove, he watched as a number of M4 Shermans rolled by down the road. One British Firefly, four short barrel 75mm Shermans, and one more with the longer 76mm gun. Right, I should get ready. Standing up, he briefly touched his throat worn microphone. "[Gunner, are you ready?]"

"[Jawohl.]" Peter's gunner grinned inside. If they try and wiretap, they won't be able to tell. We're Germans after all. "[Permission to begin firing?]"

"[Offenes Feuer]" Mere feet away, covered in bushes, Peter's Panther G roared, sending a 75mm shell right into one of the M4 Shermans. Peter grinned with satisfaction as he watched the Firefly go up in smoke, and a white flag popped out of the turret. The Shermans began to scramble for Peter's position, which was a small, forested hill with a flat top. Perfect for sniping. A mere three seconds later and the gun roared again, cutting down the M4A1(76). Climbing back into the turret through the back hatch, Peter reached for the overall radio piece, which his radio operator gladly handed over. "Koume, how're things on your end?"

"Good. We've run into a few of Saunders' tank destroyers, but we took them out. I lost two Panthers though. What about you, Peter?" Koume's voice buzzed over the radio.

"We've just started opening fire on a Sherman tank column. They don't know we're on the hill right now. So we're alright. Did Maho or Faber give any orders yet? I've been doing radio silence in case they try to wiretap."

"None yet. Maho is just telling us to hold our positions and wait for Saunders. Faber has just been watching this all unfold." Koume paused as a 75mm gun roared on Peter's end. "You sound busy. I'll check in with you later, over and out." and the radio went back to silence. Climbing back out of the turret, Peter scoped back in with his binoculars. All the Shermans but one M4A1 were left, in which the cupola was opened and Peter barely saw a hand throw out several smoke grenades around the tank manually. Peter's gunner grinned for real at the feeble attempt at covering herself. The smoke may have obscured her position but as the M4A1 began to drive out of the smoke, it was cut down by another shot from Peter's Gunner.

"[And that's the last one. What next Peter?]" Peter's gunner asked, turning around to see his young commander.

Right on queue, the radio crackled so the entire crew could hear. And from it, they heard the familiar voice of their direct commanding officer. [Peter, join up with the rest of the other Panthers. The Panzer IIs and IIIs report that the Americans are going to make a massive charge, and considering you've been spending the last half an hour cutting down their tank columns, they'll most likely try and overwhelm you with numbers. Got it?]"

"[Jawohl, kommandant Faber.]" Peter climbed into the commander's seat of his Panther, closing the hatch tightly behind him. "[Driver, get us to where the others are waiting. I believe they're in a forest in the middle of the field. I'll radio Koume and she should be able to tell you if she sees us.]"

"[Of course Peter.]" putting the German Medium Tank into forward gear, it rumbled down the hill's path, before continuing down the main road, passing the defeated M4 Shermans and their crews, who watched as the war beaten Panther roared by at a surprisingly quick speed. "[Hey Peter?]"

"[Ja?]" the boy said.

"[What do you think of that Koume girl?]" Peter's driver asked.

Peter jumped, somewhat caught off guard by such a question. "[W-well I think she's a good commander, so I'm glad we get to fight together.]"

"[No, not her skills. I meant personally, outside of battle.]" Peter jumped again, this time blushing. "[You and that Koume girl really like talking a lot, did something happen between the two of you after that battle against the American school?]"

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