The Veil comes Burning down:

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Miho and the rest of the Sensha-do team promised to try and discourage and keep all other students out of the woods. Owen remembered them making a promise of steel. So why was it that here he was, sitting on a UHLS with a cup of Earl Grey tea in hand, staring at a group of four girls who looked very British staring back?

One of the girls, who had rose red hair, pointed an energetic finger. "Darjeeling, I think he's one of 'them' desu wa!"

"It's rude to point, Rosehip." Darjeeling reminded her. "Are you perhaps one of those soldiers Kay told us about?"

Owen regained his composure. "Excuse me? I'm afraid I know no one by that name."

"Ah, forgive me. One of my close friends and a fellow commander in Sensha-do told us in a meeting, however unintentionally she did it, that Ooarai has been hiding time traveled soldiers in the woods."

"Huh...Then why are you bothering to look for us then?"

Darjeeling was surely a smooth talker. "Why, to see if she was telling the truth or simply pranking us. Although I guess seeing you here is enough proof, along with the tank you're sitting on."

Owen sighed. "Well, you're here, and I'm not in the mood to chase anyone off, especially kids...Do you want tea?" he offered kindly. The four girls from St. Glorinas nodded. "Alright, let me boil some water first." Finishing his own cup of Earl Grey, he placed down the tin cup and walked over to a burnt out fire pit, where a pot was already sitting. He took it, as it was empty, and walked through the foliage, where he found a small river that he and the other soldiers were using for water. Once he filled it up, he also grabbed some firewood and went back, lighting the fire and putting the water to boil on top. "So..." he began. "Who are you girls?"

"I'm Darjeeling, the commander of the Sensha-do Team from St. Glorianas Girls College. These two are my crewmen." Darjeeling gestured to Assam and Orange Pekoe, who introduced themselves in turn.

"I'm Orange Pekoe, although some people call me Pekoe as my name is a bit long. I'm the loader in Ms. Darjeeling's Churchill Mk IV."

"I am Assam, the gunner in Darjeeling's Churchill. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Mr...?"

"I'm Owen Porter. Same to you, Pekoe, Assam. And I'm guessing you're called Rosehip or something?"

"Wow, you got my name correct! How'd you know, desu wa?"

Owen chuckled, returning to watching his water boil. "Lucky guess. Your hair is rosy in color, so I thought you'd have a name relating to a rose tea, since the rest of you share names with tea." Owen stayed crouched on the grass, while the girls from St. Glorianas had taken his place of sitting atop the UHLS. "What tea do you want? I have Earl Grey, Breakfast Tea, and...just plain black tea. I do have sugar and milk as well." Darjeeling asked for Earl Grey, Rosehip asked for Breakfast Tea, Assam asked for black tea, and Orange Pekoe asked for Earl Grey. Soon the water was at a boil and Owen poured out the scalding liquid into four tin cups, adding the respective tea bags from a wooden box that was filled to the brim with the stuff. Soon, they began to wait for it to seep properly.

"So...What'd you do before tanks?" Assam asked. This is a good chance to learn more about them before Ooarai tries anything.

"I was a sniper in the British Army. Unlike most sharpshooters, I was assigned to infiltrate towns and cities and eliminate any commanding officers and retrieve intelligence. In that sense, I'm actually more of a commando, but everyone still calls me a sniper because I always brought my Lee Enfield Custom with me, and I still do. What made my missions so risky was that I was always sent in alone, and it wasn't until 1943 did I get a real taste of armored warfare. By the way, how did you find me? Besides those girls you mentioned earlier telling you."

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