Sieg Heil Part 2:

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Willy was laid back in a small, thick sleeping bag, located inside the hull of one of the UHLS Model 4s. Around him, his siblings and cousins slept as well, but despite their relaxed state, they were ready to wake up and man the massive 183mm gun at the exact moment they heard a single enemy gun crack through the storm. And crack an enemy gun did. They're peaceful sleep was rudely interrupted by the sounds of tank engines roaring and girls shouting at the top of their lungs, "BANZAI! TOTSUGEKI!"

"[Shit! Everyone up! Get the guns!]" Willy bolted up, grabbing his M1 Garand and putting it around his shoulders with an arm sling, before he threw on a green camouflage poncho. Around him his family did the same, getting their guns and ponchos. Thanks to the massive hull of the UHLS, there was plenty of moving space, which made it easy for Willy to exit from the driver's side, followed by Daniel and Aubrey. Aubrey ran off to mount the other UHLS Model 4, which had Saunders girls pouring out of the it's hull as well, already lugging up the massive 183mm HE shells. Daniel, meanwhile, hopped into the gunner's seat of the UHLS 4-1, turning the gun around to face the oncoming banzai charge of Chi-Ha-Tan Infantry Tanks.

"[Shells in!]" someone yelled over the roaring gunfire.

"[Firing!]" and the massive 183mm guns rang out for the first time in the Three-Day Battle. It was the second day, at around 2 AM, but it was hard to tell without a watch. The dark storm was keeping any and all sky related things out of it, the sense of time, even the judges couldn't see nor fly in. Willy's ears rang from the familiar 183mm gun roar, which was followed by an equally loud explosion, which demolished several Chi-Ha-Tan tanks all at once. UHLS 4-2 followed suit, firing downrange at the Chi-Ha-Tan tanks, which streamed from the mountain.

Willy, meanwhile, ran into the Allied Base, barely avoiding slipping on the mud and slick concrete. "Kay, Darjeeling, Katyusha! It's the Axis!"

"..." No one responded. They were mostly asleep. "[Fuck!]" Willy unslung his M1, and aiming it into the air, fired all eight bullets in rapid succession, before he loaded another clip and this time fired it at the dorm building, making sure to only hit the walls and not the windows. This was followed by a stampede of feet so loud that Willy was sure that he had awoken everyone on base. This stampede to get to tanks was multiplied when a siren began to wail out, really making sure that everyone was awake to crew tanks.

"What's going on!?" Kay yelled as she hastily put on a poncho over her hastily put on Sensha-do uniform, being closely followed by her vice-commanders, Darjeeling, Katyusha, and their own vice-commanders.

"It's that Chi-Ha school, they're launching a frontal assault! Is everyone waking up, they're coming in droves!"

"Yes, I think you're 'gun salute' really woke us all up." Darjeeling replied, unsmiling in the face of the current situation. "Make haste everyone, Chi-Ha-Tan could overrun us if we don't' get our tanks in time!"

Waking up from dorms as well were the real crews of UHLS 4-1 and 4-2, although as Willy noted, it would take them some time to replace the current less experienced crew. Running back to UHLS 4-1 and 4-2, Willy shouted, "[The crews of UHLS 4-1 and 4-2 are on their way! We have to get the UHLS 3V2 up and running, the Russians are all down here!]"

"[Got it Willy!]" Daniel shouted as he fired one last shot, the massive explosion consuming several Chi-Ha-Tan tanks, which were beginning to fire their guns at the UHLS Model 4s. "[We'll need cover though! We could try crewing the surplus tanks Saunders got!]"

"[Argh...I don't know...]" Willy muttered.

Daniel grabbed his cousin by the shoulder. "[Willy, we dragged you into this, and yeah, you don't like the idea of shooting kids, we all get that. But snap out of it man! Even if this isn't real war, it sure as hell feels like one, and these girls need our help! Family motto has always been 'Once you're in for something, throw in all your back and soul!']"

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