Chapter 2

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Crimson's POV:

I had arrived at the door Charles had directed me to. I pushed the door open and saw a beautiful and advanced lab. Complete with just about everything a scientist could ever need. I took notice of the lack of windows and clocks, this Hank does not want to be reminded of much time he spends here. 

I saw what I assumed to be the Hank in question leaned over a microscope with his back hunched over at an angle I knew would hurt him one day. I knocked against the wall and he nearly jumped out of his body. He turned and looked at me his eyes filled with confusion and was that dare I think concern? 

"You're covered in blood," he said while starring at my abdomen. Right, I forgot about how much you bleed when you get shot. The man continued to stare at me and then it was as if his brain finally filled in the blanks. "Wait, I saw remember! I did CPR on you! I had to wash your blood off my clothes! You- you... died" he said sadly. 

"Hey, I'm alive, alright. I bounced back from six feet under," I reassured him while venturing deeper into the lab. He doesn't even know me, why does this affect him so much?

"So I take it you're mutation revolves around healing," he asked looking me in the eyes for a brief second before glancing away again. 

"Yeah, it takes a good bit and hurts like nobody's business but I always bounce back," I told him.

"Wait, it hurts?" he asked confused.

"Yeah, I mean pain is pain. It doesn't matter that I come back from it, the injury still feels the same" I said matter of factly.

"Bizarre, every other healer I've met doesn't feel the pain. I'm Hank by the way," Hank stated extending his hand to me.

"I'm Crimson," I said reaching out my hand before feeling a sharp pain in my abdomen from the gunshot. My hand instinctively wrapped around my abdomen. Hank leaned down and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You should lie back down, give yourself time to fully heal," Hank stated while looking down at me. 

"I don't think that's necess- AHH" I screeched out my arm tightening around my abdomen as the pain increased. Fuck. What happened to quickly getting out of here. Hank moved his arm from my shoulder to my upper back and gently pushed me in the direction of the hospital room I'd been in before. He saw to it that I got back in the hospital room despite my slight protests.

I laid down on the bed while Hank disappeared behind a curtain. He reappeared a few minutes later with two pills in his hand and a bottle of water in the other. 

"Here this should help with the pain," he said while offering the pills and water to me. I hesitated, I mean he was still a bit of a stranger after all. "Is there a problem?" Hank asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"A strange man offers me drugs and wonders why I hesitate," I say my voice laced with sarcasm.

"Right, my mistake," Hank said looking embarrassed. I reached out and grabbed the pills and water quickly swallowing them while Hank looked on alarmed and shocked.

"What's the worst thing that could happen? I'll die in front of you again?" I asked jokingly. Hank didn't seem too amused. "Tough crowd, tough crowd" I muttered trying to break the awkward silence. Hank let out a little laugh. "Ah! See you are human!" I exclaimed delightedly at finally getting the serious man to laugh. He started to chuckle. He regained his composure and picked up a clipboard from the foot of the bed.

"So, Crimson as your doctor I have a few questions," Hank said with the slightest of smiles still on his face.

"When did you get first notice your mutation?" Hank asked starting the line of questions.

"I was about 6 or 7, I didn't have it before then though"

"Does your mutation include anything besides healing?"

"Heightened sense of hearing"

"If your mutations were acquired then what caused them to be acquired?" 

"Next question," Hank looked up confused but didn't say anything.

"Do you wish to progress your skills and enhance your mutations?" 

"I suppose so," Hank stuck his hand out again with a wide grin on his face.

"Then welcome to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters," I shook his hand curious as to where this would all lead to. 

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