Chapter 38

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Hank's POV:

Crimson had been gone for a few days and we still had no idea where to find her. I missed her greatly, but I don't expect her to ever come home. I had to hurt her to save her and that means that somehow what I did was the morally right decision. How exactly hurting someone I love is morally right I may never fully understand. A knock on our- my door interrupted my thinking. Charles rolled into the door which oddly enough was a good sign.

"I believe I'm strong enough to retrieve your memories if you're ready," Charles spoke.

Crimson's POV:

Erik and I decided to talk one final walk through the woods before leaving that night. If I'm being honest I didn't really want to leave, but I also don't want any more blood on my hands. We moved through the woods in silence for a long while. Until Erik broke the silence.

"Would you ever go back?"

"I don't know, to be honest with you"

"Not even for me?"

"Especially not for you"

"I'd be offended if the feeling wasn't mutual"

"Aww I love you too"

"I never said that"

"Erik Lehnsherr there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop me from believing that you love me"

The sound of a twig snapping behind us was heard and we both quickly turned around. I saw a man in a strangely familiar outfit with a bow. The man then pulled out a knife made of bone and he stabbed himself in the neck. He didn't have an arrow which was bizarre. I turned to look at Erik and spotted the arrow buried deep inside his chest.

Hank's POV:

I laid down on the floor of Charles' office and he moved down to the floor right behind my head. It was just the two of us and Logan who insisted on not letting me out of his sight.

"Fair warning my friend, this is going to hurt," Charles warned.

"It's worth it," I spoke.

Charles placed his fingers onto my temples and began the process. Many short bits of video flashed by and I caught glimpses of them.

Crimson and I flying a plane together.

Crimson helping me work in the lab.

Crimson and I defiling said lab.

Crimson curled up into my arms.

Holding Crimson as she died while Erik screamed at me.

Watching from across the room as Crimson laughed with Peter and Scott.

Walking along the lake with Crimson.

Seeing her in her prison clothes in front of the school.

Emotions began to rise and consume me all the once, while deep pain overwhelmed me.








Everything came rushing back all at once. Charles finally released me and I sat bolt upright in his office covered in ice-cold sweat. I yelled out the one word that came to my mind.


Crimson's POV:


I collapsed to the forest floor holding on tight to him. I felt tears spill from my eyes and cover my face. Blood quickly poured out from around the arrow.

"Erik, oh god no! Not you! Anyone else, but not you!"

"Please tell Charles I love him"

"I will Erik, of course, I will"

"And Crimson, I do love you"

"I love you too"

Erik's eyes started to roll back and I heard as his heart rate slowed down before finally stopping. Defeaning silence filled the forest and I sobbed onto Erik's dead body. It should have been me. Why him? Why now? God why?

"I thought making your little lover boy destroy your heart with a clever lie to save your life would be enough to isolate you, but Magneto was in the way of your greatness. You're on the verge of having a power you have never even dreamed of, my dear Crimson," King Andrew spoke in my head.

"YOU FUCKING KILLED HIM!" I screamed out into the forest.

Sadness and rage filled my body and they completely overwhelmed me. I've only been this filled with emotion when Alex was murdered. I'd bet my eyes were glowing brighter than even then. Alex was my friend, but Erik was my family.

I held on tighter to Erik and cried while shaking. I'm going to kill King Andrew. I will slaughter him. I have no mercy for the man responsible for this. Wait, he said he forced Hank to lie to save my life? Oh god. It was all a lie to take me away from them. I fell for it. I fell for it and now Erik is dead.

Hank's POV:

I was a mess of emotions. I love Crimson more than anything else and I hurt her so badly she left behind her friends and the only family she had left. Charles with his newfound strength insisted that we hurry to Cerebro to finally found them. We moved as quickly as we could and Charles happily slid the helmet onto his head. I set up all the controls and left Charles to do the rest.

"I found Crimson, but Erik's mind isn't with hers. I can't find his mind anywhere. I'm going to see what Crimson is doing."

Charles froze up and then tears began to fall. Something is very wrong. Oh god please tell me she's okay. Please, I can't lose her. I just remembered what we had and now she might be dying.


"It's Erik"

"What do you mean?"

"He's dead Hank"

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