TaeYeon's Side Story

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TaeYeon grew up in a street along with the scavengers when he was found in the sidewalk by the group of robbers, he learned how to steal and even talking not polite with somebody. He is good in fighting bigger than him so one day SooYoung's father found him pretty interesting and be used in his mafia business because of his outstanding skills, he taught TaeYeon everything and dress him well like a bodyguard, he also let him guard his son whenever the former went to somewhere inside the Choi's mansion.

"Can you fight with them?" Mr. Choi asked the young boy who has possessed a very aggressive potential to be included in his group of mafia.

"Piece of cake." Little TaeYeon expressed arrogance from his voice as he stretch his arms and ready to tackle them down, the bodyguards body build was no joke and for a little boy like him, he will definitely a no match against them but he said it with confidence as he glaring at them.

"Let's see." Mr. Choi signal his bodyguards and surrounded little TaeYeon alone, he watch him filled with interest as one of the old guy do the first move against the little boy.

"ARGH!" The guy easily tackle on the ground with TaeYeon's unpredictable strength as he shows his small biceps and his scary looks that scared the others.

"He's the little devil that I need." Mr. Choi thought as he watched them in silence and he guarantee that TaeYeon has a future of becoming a true mafia.

"Okay, that's enough, I don't want everyone to get injured because we will crash Watanabe's party in Japan next week." Mr. Choi stated as he refers with Mr. Watanabe's  late father that been killed by TaeYeon in the future.

"I'll count you in." Mr. Choi whisper through the little boy who seems undefeated when it comes to fighting the bigger ones.

"I like blood." TaeYeon answered back as he balling his fist in anger and thirst with fighting with blood.

"That's good to hear, Tae." Mr. Choi gave him a fatherly smile at him makes TaeYeon's heart warm.

"I will color my hair red." TaeYeon suggested and it agree by Mr. Choi himself before he left the boy alone.


"TaeYeon?" Mr. Choi introduce TaeYeon to his son SooYoung when they both in the same age as him.

"He will be your buddy from now on." Mr. Choi smile and gently pat his son's shoulder as he approach the heartless TaeYeon infront of her.

"Your hair is red, I like it." SooYoung touches his new buddy's hair in amazement but TaeYeon grab his hand away as he glare at his master's son.

"Don't be rude SooYoung for touching someone without permission." Mr. Choi understand TaeYeon's nature growing up alone in the streets.

"I'm sorry." Little SooYoung apologize to his new buddy and ask for TaeYeon's permission to play with him.

"Can you play with me?" SooYoung politely asked with his sparkling eyes that makes TaeYeon cringe.

"Play with him, Tae while I'm away." Mr. Choi will be flying to Japan today so he had to leave SooYoung under TaeYeon's care because his wife passed away when she got involved in the mafia war.

"Affirmative, Mr. Choi." The fatherly figure of SooYoung's father touches TaeYeon's heart easily as he got a gentle pat on his head before his master leave them.

"Let's play now!!!" SooYoung cheerfully invited his new buddy as they both went in his room.



"Daddy!!!" SooYoung cried hard when his father killed by Watanabe clan in Japan and TaeYeon heart broke by the sudden news of the death of his master.

"I will kill them all!!!!" The young heir scream in anger during the funeral that only friends in mafia attended and not relatives.

"I need your help to kill them." SooYoung stare at the silent little boy beside him that never spoke after his father's death.

"I'll kill them." SooYoung said with grief and anger towards the one who killed his father mercilessly by taking his heart out with a sharp thing.

"Let me be the one who will kill them." Finally, TaeYeon spoke coldly beside his master's son.

"You will?" SooYoung asked.

"I promise your father that I will take good care of you so I don't want you to die in their hands because you're his son." TaeYeon promise to his newfound friend who was staring back at him.

"Promise?" SooYoung shows his pinky finger towards his buddy who will take good care of him from now on and the inheritance will be honor for him after a few days.

"Is that needed?" TaeYeon asked curiously because he became shy infront of his new master.

"I will hate you if you will not." SooYoung pouted cutely making TaeYeon give up on him and hooking his pinky finger with him and sighed deeply.

"Thank you, TaeYeon." SooYoung warmly smile at him before his eyes saw Mr. Choi's resemblance with his master's only son, so he let out a secret smile behind SooYoung's back.

"Thank you, Master Choi." TaeYeon gave his respect on his late master's funeral and after a few days they started to work through Mr. Choi's trusted people to train SooYoung and him together.



A/N: I think the story will be having 30 chapters because I don't want to end it early ❤️

With Love,

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