Yuri Kwon

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Thankfully, I got escaped from the scenes after Mr. Han and Watanabe taking down by the police, that ridiculous old man trying to frame me up again, I have to find Tiffany because she will be my last hope to completely escape from Korea, I knew she will be brought to the nearby hospital after I order to setup the fire on her penthouse, I must called my close friend Dr. Shin if he successfully bring Tiffany with me.

*cellphone ringing*

"Hurry! Pick it up" I'm on my way through the hospital where Dr. Shin works and I rather not waste any single minute setting up my backup plan. Tiffany is the key.

*Hello? Yuri?* Finally, he picked it up.

"Where's Tiffany? Do you follow my plan?" I asked before he sighed.

*Yes, she's sleeping in her room but she has cardiac arrest awhile ago and a random guy came into the room calling her name while I'm reviving my patient.* I furrow my brows and finally my suspicions came that it must be TaeYeon. I knew he's still alive and Mrs. Han took him in as their adopted son.

"I will be there so please follow the plan so I can pick her up fast." I order before he gave me an okay so I quickly drive as fast as I can to the hospital.

*Okay see you.*



I quickly went inside the hospital but I disguise myself with my black hoodie and put on my face mask and enter calmly through the entrance but I somehow notice something weird inside and ignore the situations, hoping to find the room number where Tiffany was confined before I saw Dr. Shin waiting for me at the front door of the possible ward pf my target, he looks serious so I walk into him.

"Dr. Shin." But what happens next was unexpected because I felt my both hands in handcuffs and the familiar police chief was right behind me smirking back at me. Dr. Shin betrays me but why will he do something bad against me? He's my childhood friend but he betrays me.

*Sorry Yuri but I think you need to surrender yourself because I don't want you to be hurt by them.* WHAT???

"YOU TRAITOR!!!!" I scream infront of his face but my back was being push through the wall and saw TaeYeon staring back at me filled with sympathy.

"FUCK I DON'T WANT TO LIVE INSIDE THE JAIL ANYMORE!!!" I struggle from their hold and it makes me want to tackle TaeYeon on the ground removing the sympathy from his ugly face, the one who stole Tiffany from me.

"FUCK YOU KIM TAEYEON!!!!" Their hold lose from mine so I could run towards him but Dr. Shin came and block me so I forcefully push him aside and lose his weight and footings before I watch him fell down through the railings from the 5th floor.

"Dr. Shin." My eyes widen in fear and shock before my senses came back that I push my friend to death.

"I killed him." I shed into tears when I slowly went to the railings and saw my friend on the ground floor pooled with his blood, I totally killed him.

*You are under arrest Mr. Kwon Yuri for murder. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court. You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we ask you any questions. You have the right to have a lawyer with you during questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish. If you decide to answer questions now without a lawyer present, you have the right to stop answering at any time.* Those words ringing through my ears was ignored and just right at this moment when I saw the chief's gun, I quickly pulled it and pointed towards them.

"Hold down your fire!!!!" He called.

"YOU WILL DIE IN MY HANDS!!!" I pointed the gun towards TaeYeon and quickly pulling the trigger to shoot him.

"Mr. Eric Han??!!!" They still knew him as Eric Han so I guess I successfully shot him, I saw how the blood spills from his chest but I felt numb and we're reflecting the same actions and situations where I was being shot too by the police surrounded me.

"I guess it's over." I smirk at them before I fell on my knees, the blood spills from my body and I couldn't stop it, I felt worse on myself where I couldn't do anything about it. I'm not a successful person, I was being greedy to make Tiffany mine so I could reach the top where I can be powerful from anyone else and she's the key but I love someone else, I was blinded by the power and greed, I was deceive by the evil, but now that Dr. Shin's death I can die with him too.



Next will be the epilogue.

Thank you for your votes everyone ❤️

**I will continue writing "Intern Romance" and "Hook Up Agency"

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