Chapter 42 - Winds Of Change : Part One

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Three months.

It's been three months since Chen.

Lucy was sitting by a creek behind the now finished Tea Shop, she had on the purple plaid, black shirt, and denim shorts from the shopping day she and Nya went on.

She was noticing more and more how the four ninja and her own mother and uncle valued Lloyd over her. Her memories were all returned thankfully, she hated not having them all.

She didn't know why they seem to... ignore her. The five ninja were out and usually at this time Lucy would be either in her and Nya's room, reading the scroll Lloyd had found, the Tome of Light and Dark, or working at the front desk of the tea shop. Steep Wisdom.

But right now she was out back, in a small clearing, on the other side of the creek, behind the tea shop.

She wanted to work on her new... powers. She didn't understand why they were different but she was scared of them. She would tell Nya or Lloyd but she was scared of their reactions... scared to see them when they learned she turned Clouse to dust.

She could kill with a look.

Lucy climbed to her feet and walked up to the waterfall upstream. She pushed past and into the stone, disappearing into a cave hidden by all outside sights.

"Ok. Ok. Favoritism aside, new powers. New element. More... destructive then Aether which usually let me just create things so... let's destroy something." Lucy hummed. She reached out and found nothing.

She had to find the source of this power, she used to reach out and her heart held the creative powers of Aether, but she had to reach farther to her mind.

Once her spiritual hand wrapped around the source she loosened her hand and directed the power.

Her hand lit up with a flame. Fire. Black fire.

Corrupted fire.

"Whoa." Lucy breathed. "Ok, that's form one... Aether held three forms maybe whatever this is has three as well." Aether could turn into the celestial blocks she created, her personal favorite, and a liquid and wind. Water and air.

She shifted the focus and the fire died out. She reached out and some pebbles lit up with a black and purple light.

She lifted it and threw the rocks across the room.

"Whatever this is... it's Fire and Earth." Lucy mumbled. "And suddenly, after three months of trying to work it, it's working unlike before." Maybe it came with regaining her memories? Maybe that was blocking it?

Lucy had spent as much free time as she had trying to get this new element to work. Now, all of a sudden, it was working? She could use it?

"It's fine." Lucy snapped at herself. "It's a lot like Aether so let's just get the hang of it. It's fine."

She banked on the fire, it was easier to extinguish and adapt to, it was less risky if it hurting anyone at the moment. Not to mention less destructive then whatever was this element's natural form... the one that turned Clouse into ash.

"Hmm, Steep Wisdom. Not a bad name for a tea shop." Wu chuckled. Several days since Lucy finally started practicing her new element.

"I thought saving Ninjago was difficult. Try starting a small business!" Nya remarked, carrying a box of teas to the front shelf. Lucy caught one that fell from her grasp and set it on the counter. "Nice catch."

"Wu can't be a Sensei forever." Misako reminded them. "It's about time we all help out with his retirement. Speaking of which, Lucy?"

"Oh, I can take that." Lucy offered to take a bucket of water from Wu, but he juggled it to his other hand.

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