Chapter 48 - The Realm Crystal

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I am you. You did this. I am a part of you that's been here as long as your powers have.

You aren't me. I'm me —

And I'm you. Stop fighting yourself, Lucinda. The Ninja aren't even here trying to help us, just that civilian girl and the only reason she's helping us is because you saved her parents. She doesn't care about us, she only cares about repaying her debt.

No. No you're wrong.

Just admit it Lucinda, we're one in the same. Once you accept that, everything will be so much easier. How many times have I told you, the Ninja don't care. They've ignored you so many times. Always choosing Lloyd over you, even now they're choosing Lloyd over you. Not even bothering to call you, to come looking for you, to make sure you're alright. It's all about Lloyd.

No... stop! ...they care about me.

I don't believe you, because you don't believe yourself. And after all, I am you.

I... I don't...

Lloyd hated every second of this.

He wanted out, he wanted control, he wanted to keep his friends and family safe.

Banging against his mental bonds, Lloyd felt trapped. Fighting for control of his own body back.

He was too weak.

He could hardly ever see what happens, sometimes he got glimpses. Last time, he saw Morro nearly kill Kai and it gave him a boost of adrenaline to take control, even if for just a moment.

Where has Lucy been for all this? This entire time Lloyd hasn't even seen or heard her mentioned. Maybe their Mom was keeping her from having to fight him or something, who knew.

He couldn't fight much more. He doubted if anyone got into a position like Kai had, he would be able to stop Morro.

He felt weak. Incapable.

Next thing he knew, he was in control.

Collapsing almost immediately, a semi solid arm grabbed him.

Lloyd tried to fight but he could barely move. His whole body felt just heavy, tired, weak.

He was the Green Ninja, he should be able to fight this but he just couldn't.

"Let — me — go." Lloyd tried.

"Shut up." Morro snapped at him, his arm at Lloyd's shoulder, Lloyd practically fully leaning on him for stability.

He dragged Lloyd to the top of an icy cliff and Lloyd could see the outlines of four people, one red, one blue, one white, and one greenish-black.

The Ninja!

"How does it work?" Kai's voice said.

Morro spoke. "How it works is you'll hand over the Crystal, or say goodbye to your friend."

"I'm sorry. I couldn't stop him." said Lloyd weakly, apologising. How could he be so weak?

As his vision slowly grew clearer, he could see the angry expression on the Ninja's face.

"So what'll it be?" said Morro and Lloyd could only imagine the smirk on his face.

Lloyd could see them speak amongst themselves. Jay looked to Kai and then so did Zane and Cole, Kai took a crystal from Zane.

Lloyd's been semi conscious enough to know that is the Realm Crystal.

"Looks like the decision is up to you, Kai. So choose." Morro ordered.

Kai stared at the Realm Crystal, hopefully trying to figure out a plan.

But time was running out, Morro was still waiting for an answer and he isn't patient.

"Stop stalling! Give me the Realm Crystal, or else!" Morro roared.

"We're not stalling! We're thinking!" Kai retorted. The ninja huddled together. Lloyd could distantly hear them whisper but not nearly clear enough to understand.

Lloyd could feel the panic, that has been oh so familiar within him, increase as Morro's grip on his shoulder tightened with anger and impatience.

"Time's up! You leave me no choice." Morro growled.

Lloyd braced himself.

"Wait! We'll give you the Realm Crystal!" Kai said.

Kai threw the crystal and Morro dropped Lloyd.

Lloyd hit the stone, silently letting out a pained groan.

"The Crystal! What have you done!?" Morro screamed. Lloyd pushed himself up and managed to kick Morro.

Then Morro used Wind to send him back.


Lloyd landed in frigid cold water, he started swimming, trying his hardest to stay above the water. His ears were filled with water, he couldn't hear Kai or Cole, he could see them try to save him, but neither were able to reach him.

His head kept dipping under the water until it went fully under.

He felt someone grab him and he tried to kick, to stay above the water.

Suddenly, he was on land. Lloyd coughed, Kai helped him sit up and then Zane and Jay were there.

"Everyone, run!" Cole said as Morro ran off with the Realm Crystal and the Sword of Sanctuary.

"No!" The other three said.

Lloyd coughed. "I'm sorry."

They exited the cave, Lloyd leaning on Kai for support.

He saw the Bounty, the small figures of Misako, Sensei, and Nya, but... where's Lucy?

"You all sacrificed so much to save me." Lloyd said, mainly looking at Kai as the Bounty was docked in front of them.

"Heh, I promised to look after you, didn't I?" Kai smiled.

Lloyd frowned. "But now Ninjago's gonna be cursed."

"Yes, but now we have you." said Zane, putting his hand on Lloyd's shoulder assuringly.

Jay nodded. "And now our powers are back."

"As you get strong, so will we." Cole stepped forward. "And they haven't even seen us at full strength."

Lloyd smiled softly. "Where's Lucy?"

Everyone went quiet.

Nya was the one who answered. "She's been MIA this whole time, I've tried calling her but she hasn't responded yet."

"She's probably fine." Misako said. "Lucy has been very independent since I've known her, she can take care of herself, not to mention her powers don't depend on you, Lloyd."

But she does. Lloyd thought to himself. She may be more independent but he knows better than anyone how much she would depend on him, he doesn't want to say it though. Lucy is strong, and she has been much much more independent lately, but she isn't what Misako is saying she is.

"Let's hurry up and stop Morro then," Lloyd said softly yet confidently, Kai helping him stand. "I need to find my sister."

The fact that Lloyd's motivation is not protecting Ninjago but finding Lucy. I have deprived myself of them and now I've made it 10x worse. You'll get to find out how I did that later.

Also the song is just irrelevant, I just have had it stuck in my head for ages so... fun.

Until next time!

💜 ~ Bye!

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