Chapter 27 - Welp, I'm Lost

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Lucy was walking through Hiroshi's Labyrinth, she hadn't heard anything electrical since she separated from her Dad and Lloyd.

Which was two days ago.

"Ugh." She knelt by a stream and took a drink. She was hungry and tired as well as lost. "Ok, Lucy you're a Ninja. Right? So you'll be fine—alright that's stupid. The boys are never fine and they've been Ninja's longer."

She stood up and brushed her hands dry on her pants.

"So... just think things through. No technology means that either Lloyd is out of the forest and is being chased down, or he got caught. Knowing him, most likely the latter."

She started walking downstream.

"So the Overlord is probably trying to take over Ninjago right now. Now where do the villains go to take over... The Great Devourer went to Ninjago City... the Overlord went to Ninjago City... so he's probably going there again."

Lucy climbed over a fallen tree. "I'm... probably walking in the wrong direction. Dang it, why didn't I learn how to tell my location based on the stars?" She looked upward. It was late afternoon, so the sun was setting. "Then again... I could always use the sun. Ok..." She saw bits of pink and orange to her left. "Alright, West is that way. Which means that way is East and that way is North. Hiroshi's Labyrinth covers the East coast of Ninjago, so I need to head West."

Lucy turned and started walking toward the setting sun.

"Thank you 2nd grade geography."

She walked through the dense jungle, completely exhausted. Darkness covered the area and she needed to sleep.

Ok, I need to find cover for the night.

She slowed down and looked around. A pretty large tree to her right had an opening in it. So naturally she squeezed into it. She could hear the wood creaking under her weight, but she hoped it would last the night.

Please no spiders.

With that as her last thought, she fell asleep.

Lucy woke up when the ground below her caved in and she fell.

She wasn't awake enough to understand what had happened before she landed on a bed of roots.

"Ow." She groaned, sitting up. She sat up but felt the roof on the top of her head. "Ah crud." That's when she felt something crawling over her hand and she let out an ear-piercing scream.

She scrambled on her knees down the wooden tunnel before she hit a wall.

"Gah, ow." She rubbed her head before tapping the wall in front of her in confusion. "It's... smooth." She felt around her, the wood had changed from a tree bark texture into processed building wood. She stopped when she felt a screw.

She pushed on the wall with the screw and it opened. It wasn't a wall, but a door. A cabinet door.

Lucy scrambled out and rolled out onto a wooden floor in a kitchen, the cabinet door closed behind her. She opened it again and only found pots.

"What the actual fu..." Lucy trailed off as she recognized where she was. After spending a while in the darkness her eyes had adjusted and she could see somewhat clearly.

She was home. At Garmadon's Monastery.

"This is just getting weirder—oh." She remembered the legend. A tree that had a tunnel beneath it. That led to wherever the person wanted. Lucy wanted to go home.

She got up shakily. She was still exhausted, guessing from the clock she only got about 2 hours of sleep since she went to sleep roughly an hour after sundown.

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